Page 79 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Twenty


Watching Hudson onstage is even more incredible the second time around. The way he moves about the stage and commands the audience is magical.

He’s nearly finished his set but I’ve been so enamored the entire time it feels like I’ve only blinked once since he went on.

He was right when he said the audience has changed. They’ve sang along to nearly every word of every song and watching the sheer joy that brings Hudson does something crazy to my insides.

Such a short period of time and already I feel so strongly for him. His happiness is my happiness. His success is my success. To see him out there, doing his thing, makes me feel like I’m on top of the world. And it’s not even me out there.

“You must be Lennon.” I jump at the voice, my eyes widening when I look up and lock gazes with none other than Travis Travers.

I’ve seen him a billion times on television, magazines, and even once in concert, but nothing could have ever prepared me for standing face to face with him.

He’s very good looking. Not Hudson good looking–then again in my mind no one is–but he’s still a solid nine point five on a ten point scale. Brown hair that hangs just past his ears and curls up around his backward baseball cap, green eyes, and a body that rivals Hudson’s and yet doesn’t hold the same appeal to me.

It’s easy to see why the ladies all go crazy over him. He’s rocking this bad boy country vibe that immediately makes you notice. Yet he’s got this sweet smile that crinkles the skin around his eyes a little.

“I...” I stutter, more than a little caught off guard. “You know my name?” I finally manage to pull myself together.

“Hudson hasn’t shut up about you since Nashville.” He smiles, looking out onto the stage. “When I saw you standing here and the way he kept looking over at you, I just assumed.” He leans in, talking over the music.

“And what would you have done if I wasn’t Lennon?” I cock a brow and cross my arms over my chest.

“Felt like a total douche.” He chuckles, his country drawl much thicker than Hudson’s.

“Glad I could save you.” I smile, flipping my gaze back out to Hudson.

“I’m Travis, by the way,” he says, drawing my attention back to him and the hand he’s extended my way.

“I know who you are.” I laugh nervously, giving his hand a quick shake. “My sister’s a major fan girl. If she were here I would bet money she’d be on her knees weeping at the sight of you.”

“But not you?” he says in a playfully cocky way that’s quite sexy.

“I’ve got my own hot country star. No need to fawn over anyone else.” I shrug nonchalantly.

“Damn shame too.” His smile widens and even though I’m not the least bit interested, my pulse quickens at his words. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Lennon,” he says, turning to walk back to his dressing room.

“Wait,” I holler. “Can I get a picture with you? My sister will never believe this if I don’t.”

“It would be my pleasure.” He snags my phone I just pulled from my pocket and clicks the camera icon.

Holding it up over us, he drops an arm over my shoulder and pulls me so close I can smell the mint gum he’s chewing. He snaps two pictures of us smiling and then turns, snapping one just as he drops a kiss to my cheek.

“That should really get her going.” He speaks low in my ear, sliding the device back into my hand.

“She’s going to die,” I practically squeal. “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” He winks and spins on his heel, disappearing around the back of the stage.

I turn my attention back out to Hudson just as he finishes his final song. He says a few words to the crowd, throws up a fist, and quickly runs off stage toward me.

He slides off his guitar and hands it to one of the sound guys and then I’m in his arms, my feet leaving the ground as I’m secured tightly against his chest.

“You were incredible.” Pulling back far enough to cup his face with my hands, I lay a hard kiss to his mouth.

The scent of sweat, soap, and Hudson’s cologne invade my senses and I swear it’s the best smell in the world. He smiles against my lips before turning to say something in my ear.