Page 9 of Tequila Haze

“Suit yourself. But make it quick, would ya?” She narrows her eyes at me. “You bail on me and I swear to god, Lennon, I will cut off your left tit,” she warns.

“Like I would do that.” I shake my head at her, instinctively cupping my left breast protectively.

“Five minutes, Len. Seriously. Five minutes or I’m sending Hudson up to get you.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I huff, wondering if maybe I don’t want to test her threat. As much as I hate to admit it, the thought of having Hudson alone in my house causes my stomach to do more than just twist with excitement.

Turning, I quickly head down the hall, disappearing inside my bedroom seconds after I hear the front door close behind Emma.

Unlike the rest of the house, my bedroom is pretty blah. Clean but blah. Filled with hand me down bedroom furniture from my parents and a desk I got for dirt cheap at a thrift shop.

Flipping on the light, I quickly scour my closet for something to wear, settling on a pair of worn, ripped jeans and a long gray sweater. While it was in the mid-seventies earlier today, I know for a fact how cold the air coming off the water can get at this time of year.

I change at rapid speed, stopping in the hall bathroom to give myself a once over before heading out into the living room. Considering it’s the middle of the night and I’ve been drinking and dancing for the last several hours, I don’t look nearly as bad as I thought I would. My blonde hair a bit wild and untamed and my lipstick is long gone, but other than that, my makeup has held up pretty well.

Slipping on the flip flops I always leave next to the door, I grab Emma’s favorite sweatshirt off the coat hook, knowing she’ll probably need it, before quickly exiting the condo, locking the door behind me.

It isn’t until I’m on the elevator that the reality of the situation seems to settle over me. While I may be outgoing and flirty, I’ve never picked someone up at a bar before. This whole situation is new territory for me. I’m completely and totally out of my element and yet, I can’t deny the bubble of excitement simmering through me.

I spot Hudson, Emma, and Colton on the sand not far from our private beach entrance, all three barefoot and wading in the water.

Kicking off my flip flops at the edge of the sand, I quickly make my way toward them, tossing Emma her sweatshirt before stopping next to Hudson. The minute his dark eyes find mine I’m a ball of nervous energy.

“Much more you,” he says, allowing his eyes to travel down my body before coming back up to my face.

“I thought you liked my dress?” I question, biting my lip to contain my smile.

“Oh I did.” He gives me a heated look. “But this,” he gestures to my attire. “This is much more you.”

“Well, you’re not wrong there.” I shrug my shoulders, not really sure what to say.

“You wanna take a walk?” He reaches for my hand, squeezing my fingers the minute he grabs it.

“Yeah, I’d like that.” I turn toward Emma who already has the Tequila bottle extended to me.

“We’ll be back.” I smile, snagging the bottle from her hand.

“No rush.” She winks, shooing me away before I can say more.

“Tequila it is.” I hold the bottle up and give it a little shake once we’ve walked several feet from where our friends are.

“Considering you’ve been forcing it down my throat all night, a little more shouldn’t hurt.”

“I did not force anything.” I nudge my shoulder against his.

“If you say so.” He chuckles, reaching over to snag the bottle away from me with his free hand.

“Hey!” I object.

“Don’t worry. I’ll save some for you,” he teases, dropping my hand so he can open the bottle.

“You better. I’m parched,” I say dramatically.

“I have to admit, I’m pretty impressed by how well you can handle your liquor. I’ve known girls who could drink as much as you have. But never ones that could walk a straight line afterward.”

“Maybe because I haven’t actually drank that much,” I offer.

“Five cosmos and three shots of tequila, and that’s not counting anything before you forced your friendship on me.” He smiles, taking a swift drink of tequila before extending the bottle to me.