Page 64 of Tequila Haze

“Mrs. Claire. It’s so nice to meet you.” Hudson takes the hand she stretches toward him. “I’m Hudson Demasi, Lennon’s boyfriend,” he says, right as I take another gulp of his beer. I instantly suck it back too fast, ending up having a mini coughing fit.

“You okay, babe?” He turns, dropping an arm over my shoulder.

“Yeah. Wrong hole.” I clear my throat.

“Well I won’t keep you. I just wanted to come say hello. Lennon honey, pace yourself, yes?” my mom says almost scolding.

Clearly she thinks my reaction is because I’ve been drinking. And not because every inch of my body is buzzing with the knowledge that Hudson James Demasi just introduced himself as my boyfriend.

“Yes, mom.” I nod, choosing not to correct her. While yes, I’ve been drinking, I’m nowhere near intoxicated. Maybe more like slightly buzzed. Though I’m not sure if that’s from the alcohol either.

“It was good meeting you, Hudson,” she says, linking her arm through my sister’s.

“You as well.” He smiles nodding at Starr who throws up a little girly wave before allowing my mother to pull her away. “Who are we expecting next?” he asks, seeming quite amused that we’ve been at the bar a total of three minutes and already he’s met both my parents and been mauled by my sister.

“God, no one I hope.” I take another drink of his beer before handing it back to him. “So, boyfriend, huh?”

“You said you didn’t know what to call me. I fixed that. You’re welcome.” He grins, his dimple popping before he drains the remainder of his beer in one long gulp.

“So... I’m supposed to tell people you’re my boyfriend?” I hate how juvenile I sound right now. I’m twenty-seven acting like I’m seventeen.

“Well I am, aren’t I?” He signals the bartender for another beer.

“If you want to be,” I say, trying to play it completely cool while my insides are doing backflips.

“I do.”


“Then it’s settled.” He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me flush against him. “Should we make it official with a kiss?”

“Oh why not?” I roll my eyes playfully before looping my arms around his neck and pulling his face down to mine.

Like before, the kiss is pretty PG. I get the feeling Hudson is keeping it that way for my parent’s benefit. Which I appreciate. It still doesn’t mean I don’t want to straddle him right here and say fuck whoever chooses to watch.

“Come on.” He smiles at me, snagging my hand. Before I can object he’s pulling me back onto the dance floor.

The band has been playing a string of upbeat tunes but it seems like the second our feet hit the floor they switch to a slow song.

“I thought you didn’t like to dance,” I comment, remembering our first night at the club.

“I didn’t say I don’t like it. I’m just not very good at it.” He smiles, pulling me close before kissing the side of my head.

“You better be careful, Mr. Demasi. You’re attempts at wooing me might be working,” I warn, feeling like I could float away from the high he puts me in.

“Might be?” He chuckles in my ear. “Well I guess I’ll have to work a little harder.” He twists me out, spinning me before pulling me back into his arms.

“Are you trying to make me fall in love with you?” I ask teasingly, even though deep down I know it’s already happening.

“That depends.” He dips his face so he’s eye level with me. “Is it working?”

I’m seconds away from admitting just how well it is working, but fearing I’m getting ahead of myself, I choose to divert from this conversation altogether.

“Shut up and kiss me already.” His eyes light with humor as a hint of a smile plays on his lips.

“With pleasure.”