Page 62 of Tequila Haze

“I can’t believe you came all this way.” Emotion stings the back of my throat but I swallow it down, refusing to bethatgirl.

“I would have come a hell of a lot further to see you like this.” He pushes my hair over my shoulder and leans forward. “You look beautiful,” he whispers, his lips connecting with the soft flesh below my ear.

“You don’t look half bad yourself,” I return, loving the dark jeans, button down, and tie he’s rocking.

It’s very Hudson. Simple and yet somehow he makes it look extravagant.

“I missed you.” His admission sends a flutter through my chest.

“I missed you,” I admit, smiling when he pulls back to meet my gaze. “Now shut up and kiss me already.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He purrs seconds before his lips are on mine. It’s soft and very PG, but it still does wonders to my body. Lighting me up from the inside out.

When our lips part, Hudson pulls me closer, my head resting against his chest as he starts to sway slowly with me in his arms.

I don’t realize what song is playing until Hudson’s deep and smooth voice begins singing softly next to my ear. “I don’t dance, but here I am, spinning you round and round in circles.”

It’s one of those of those perfect moments that you wish you could bottle up and keep with you forever because you’re convinced that nothing will ever be that good again.

“How long can you stay?” Pulling back, my hands run into Hudson’s hair as our feet continue to move in a slow, lazy rhythm.

“My flight for California leaves at six in the morning.”

I don’t even attempt to hide the disappointment that crosses my face.

“If I could stay longer I would.”

“I know.”

“But we have tonight.”

“I still can’t believe you’re here,” I say, shaking my head slightly. “How did you even know where we’d be?”

“You told me last weekend,” he reminds me.

“I did?” I question, not remembering that.

“At the restaurant. After you insisted we do shots of tequila.” He smirks.

“Damn tequila.” My smile widens. “Speaking of which, I think I’m due for a drink. You interested?”

“After the day I’ve had, hell yes.” He lets out a breath like it’s the first real one he’s taken today.

“Come on.” I drop my hold on him and grab his hand, dragging him toward the bar as the band starts to play a more upbeat tune.

“Two shots of tequila,” I tell the bartender.

“And a bud light, please,” Hudson adds, giving me a shrug. “Gonna need something other than tequila tonight, babe.”

“But you love tequila,” I remind him.

“I love the way it tastes on your lips.” He leans forward and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth.

I’m seconds away from tackling him right here when a throat clears behind us. Turning, my entire body freezes when I see my father. I had nearly forgotten where we were or that my entire family is here.

Oh god... I rewind the last few minutes on the dance floor, trying to remember if I had done anything too inappropriate.

“Daddy.” I smile as if everything is perfectly normal.