Page 60 of Tequila Haze

I wait until we are all out of the limo before giving everyone the run down on our entrance. Starr really should have hired a wedding planner to do this, but alas, I got roped into it doing all of it.

The venue honestly looks like a humongous deck you might see on the back of someone’s house, but way bigger than that. There’s a tiki bar along one side and a make shift stage along another. Circular tables are strategically placed around the space for this specific event. They also have a wedding party table on risers set up not far from the stage where the band we hired has already set up.

Since all the girls went barefoot at the ceremony, Starr conceded into letting us all wear white flip flops for the reception instead of squeezing into uncomfortable heels. I quickly slip mine on and cross the floor toward the band, waving at a few relatives and family friends I pass along the way.

I’ve only met the band once, the day I booked them. They are a local group of four guys in their early twenties. They specialize in hit music in almost every music genre which is why Starr loved them so much.

The singer, Chad, hops off the stage when he sees me approaching.

“Wedding party all here?” he asks before I say anything at all.

“Here and ready to go.” I hold out a piece of paper to him. “These are the names in order of how they should be announced. And here’s the list of activities and the times you need to start them.” I hand him another paper. “If you have any questions, I’ll be around.”

“I think we can handle it.” He chuckles, offering me a warm smile.

“Thank you.” I wave to the other guys on stage before quickly turning and making my way back to the limo where the rest of the party is waiting.

Once I have everyone rounded up, Chad starts making introductions and side by side the couples file in, taking their assigned seats at the wedding table. When it’s my turn to go, I snag my arm through Tony’s and plaster a smile on my face, so happy that my maid of honor duties are almost over.

The band will take over with the schedule from here, announcing when it’s time to do each activity. This way I can sit back, get drunk, and dance my ass off because why the hell not? It is a wedding after all.