Page 58 of Tequila Haze

“You really like him.”

“I really do.” I smile, unable to fight it as it stretches across my face.

“I wonder if he has any clue,” she says more to herself than to me.

“Any clue about what?”

“That you’re already falling in love with him.”


“Don’t bother telling me it’s not true. Maybe you don’t see it yet yourself. Or maybe you do and you’re scared to acknowledge it. Either way, I know the look of love when I see it and Lenny, it’s written all over your face.”

“I barely know him.” I let out a slow breath.

“Doesn’t matter. When you know, you know. I went on one date with your grandfather and knew before he even walked me to the door that he would be the man I’d marry.”

“But how could you have been so sure?”

“I could just feel it. He was my person. I knew it almost instantly. No one made me feel the way he did. No one made me laugh or smile like he did. And most importantly, no one made my heart beat like he did. All fast and wonky like it forgot how to work right whenever he was around.”

“You must miss him a lot.”

“Every single day. But I’ll see him again.” She smiles, so sure of the words she speaks. “Don’t listen to the fear, Lenny. Listen to your heart. Trust it. Trust yourself. If it’s right, you’ll know.”

“Thanks, Nana.” I smile at my larger than life grandmother, hoping one day I can be even half the woman she is.