Page 52 of Tequila Haze

“Saturday.” He thinks for a long moment. “I’m pretty sure we’ll be in Vegas. Why?”

“Oh nothing much.” I lay back, turning my head in his direction. “That’s the day Starr is getting married. Thought maybe I could steal her thunder by bringing a hot country star as my date.” I wink, even though I’m not entirely sure he can see the action through my sunglasses.

“I thought the goal was tonotsteal attention away from the bride on her wedding day.” He gives me an adorable smirk.

“Where’s the fun in that?” I tease. “But, alas, you’re busy.” I sigh dramatically, turning my gaze back out to the water.

“I would come if I could. You know that, right?” he says after a long moment of silence.

“Probably better that you can’t. The Claire clan is a lot to handle sometimes.” I smile despite the disappointment I feel in my chest.

It’s not like I actually expected he’d be able to come. Hell, we’re just having a little fun and some really, really great sex. Now’s not the time to over complicate things, especially if I don’t want to scare him off.

Then again, the thought of him being there with me, holding me close as we dance. It’s something I can’t deny that I want. I want so many things and yet I fear maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself.

I mean, seriously. How well do I really know this man? We’ve spent so little time together. We know so little about each other.

So then why does it feel like I’ve known him for years?

Everything with Hudson feels so right when we’re together. But then I remember our situation. He’s touring with one of country music’s hottest acts. Hell, he’s well on his way to being right up there with him. Different cities, different women. I don’t know that there’s a way for me to compete with that lifestyle.

So yeah, while everything is great right now, I’m starting to realize that maybe I’m in a little over my head. I already feel so much for him in such a short amount of time. If I keep letting him in, if I keep letting myself hope for more, I have a feeling I’m going to end up devastated in the end.

Unfortunately, I think it might be too late to prevent that from happening.

“What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” I turn and look at Hudson. His sunglasses are pushed back onto his head and his eyes are locked on me.

“Nothing. Just thinking is all.”

“Thinking about what?” He sits up, throwing his legs over the side of his lounge chair.

“Nothing important,” I lie.

“Sure looked important,” he points out.

“It wasn’t.” I force a smile.

“Lennon,” he pushes, not willing to give up so easily.

“I was just wondering,” I pause, not sure if I should finish what I was about to say.

“You were wondering what?”

“What are we doing here?” I blurt, snagging my bottom lip between my teeth.

“As in you and me?” he asks, waiting for my nod before answering. “Well, that’s a hard question. We’re having fun. I like you, probably more than I should,” he pauses, taking in the smile his admission brings to my face.

“But what happens next? I mean, you’re going to be on tour. Is this... I mean, are we...” I can’t seem to get anything out.

“I’m not planning on sleeping with other women if that’s what you’re asking. As long as you don’t plan on having any other men in your bed.”

“No,” I answer without hesitation.

“Then it’s settled. We only sleep with each other and the rest we will figure out along the way. Deal?”

“Deal.” The tension leaves my body. It’s not a marriage proposal but it’s a start, and right now I’ll take whatever I can get.

My stomach chooses that very moment to let out the loudest grumble I think it’s ever made.