Page 37 of Tequila Haze

“These are on me, Glenn. Do me a favor and signal the guys, would you?” Glenn, the bartender gives Hudson a nod before making his way around the bar and into the crowd, leaving only one person to help the ridiculous amount of people still waiting to be served.

“You’re not paying for those. All the girls are taking turns and this was my turn.”

“Well now it’s mine.” He smiles, his gaze going back to Glenn who reappears next to us out of nowhere. “All set?” Hudson asks him. Glenn nods, shots still in hand.

“What’s he doing?” I question, watching him once again disappear into the crowd.

“Helping you.” Hudson smiles. “Show him where he’s going. I’ll catch up with you.” His hand rests on the small of my back for a brief moment and then it’s gone and I’m weaving through the crowd with Glenn.

I finally locate the girls who are standing at a table not far from the stage, happily chatting with three college-aged men. Nodding my head toward them, Glenn follows me over, setting the drinks on the table the moment we reach it.

Turning to thank him, I’m met with the backside of Glenn as he quickly makes his way back to the bar.

“Here we go, ladies. Piece of ass for you,” I hand a shot to my sister. “Piece of ass for you.” I hand Chelsea hers next. I do this until all six of us have our shots and are raising them to the bride.

Since it was my turn to pick the shot and pay, which I don’t tell them I didn’t do, it is also my turn to do the toast. Not really sure what to say, I recite the same toast Emma always does anytime she’s drinking, knowing she won’t mind if I borrow it for this one occasion.

“We drink to those who love us. We drink to those who don’t. We drink to those who fuck us. And fuck the ones that don’t.” I laugh, thinking Emma does this toast so much better. Not that I’m even sure I got it right. “To Starr.” I raise my glass.

“To Starr,” the other girls repeat, all six of us clinking glasses before emptying the contents in one swift drink.

It’s very sweet and smooth and way better than any shot we’ve had so far. I feel pretty proud of myself even if I had nothing to do with selecting the shot. That was all Glenn.

“Ladies and gentleman, we have a special surprise for you this evening,” the singer of the house band announces, pulling our attention toward the stage. “How many Hudson James fans do we have in the house tonight?” His question is met with a deafening roar.

I shift to face the stage, my stomach fluttering uncontrollably.

“Well do we have a treat for you,” the man continues. “Ladies and gentleman, give it up for the one and only, Hudson James.”

Again the room erupts and seconds later, Hudson steps up on stage, confident and full of charisma like he was born to be up there. Maybe he was.

Starr smacks my arm and I look back to see all five women looking at me with shocked faces. I shrug and turn my smile back up toward Hudson, his eyes locking with mine before flashing behind me, no doubt able to locate my sister without a second glance.

“Thank you guys so much,” Hudson finally speaks, clutching the microphone in his right hand. “I’m here tonight for a special lady who just so happens to be getting married next month. Starr, come on up here.” My sister squeals, gives me an ‘oh my god’ look, and practically runs to the stage.

Hudson extends a hand and helps her up, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she beams at him.

“Alright, sweetheart, we’re all dying to know. Who’s the lucky bastard?” Hudson looks out over the crowd before peering down at my sister.

She immediately pulls the mic down to her mouth. I swear there’s not a shy bone in her body.

“His name’s Mark.” She giggles, releasing the microphone back to Hudson.

“And when’s the big day?”

“July twenty-ninth,” she responds when he holds the mic down to her.

“And you’re getting married where?” He glances to me before looking back at my sister. I can’t help but feel like he’s up to something that has nothing to do with my sister.

“On the beach at sunset, of course,” she says like the true princess she is.

“Well of course.” Hudson chuckles, smiling at her.

“And it looks like you’ve got all your ladies here to help you celebrate.” He gestures over to our group and Starr’s three friend’s wave like lunatics while Sandy and I shrink into the background. “So let’s get this party started, shall we?” he yells to the crowd and their applause is immediate. “Starr, I need you and your girls to do me a favor, okay?” She nods and he continues, “I need you to get your sexy asses out there and show these people how it’s done. Think you can do that?”

“Oh, I can do that.” She winks flirtatiously before hopping off the stage, Chelsea, Julie, and Jaime meeting her on the dance floor.

“Bride to be, looks like you’re a couple ladies down.” Hudson points to me and Sandy, prompting my sister to come after us.