Page 31 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Eight


“You look beautiful.” It’s the first thing Hudson says to me when I reach him, leaning against the wall outside of Mimi’s. His arms are crossed in front of his chest and a baseball cap is pulled low over his face.

I have to inhale a steady breath at the sight of him. He’s so good looking it’s almost painful. Faded jeans sit just right on his hips, a gray tee clinging to his large biceps. The man knows what he’s working with and it’s clear he knows how to work it.

“Thanks,” I manage to choke out.

I ignore the way my skin lights up as his gaze drops to my sandal covered feet before trailing slowly up my bare legs, his eyes dark by the time they reach mine.

I had worried that my jean shorts and black top would be too casual but seeing how Hudson is dressed confirms I made the right call.

“I hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the place.” He smiles like he wasn’t just stripping me bare with his eyes, holding the door open and ushering me inside.

“Not at all,” I answer when he follows me in. “We’re staying at the Regency just a block away,” I say, looking around.

Mimi’s is the perfect cross between a fancy restaurant and a casual diner. Dim lighting, dark colored booths, and beautiful place settings make it feel more upscale. But the large glass display filled with baked goods and the casual attire of the staff bring it back down, giving it the balance it needs to fit any type of customer.

“It’s awesome, right?” Hudson pulls my attention back to him, a small grin playing on his lips. “One of my favorite places to eat, but I don’t get to come here as often as I’d like.”

“And why’s that?”

“Just been really busy the last couple of years. Playing gigs, recording the album. It’s been crazy. Sometimes I feel like I don’t even have time to breathe.”

Before I can think of a way to respond, a middle aged hostess interrupts, asking us how many before leading us to a corner booth on the right side of the restaurant.

Once seated, I feel even more nervous than I did walking up to the restaurant.

Just breathe, Lennon.I’m not one that gets nervous often and not entirely sure how to get myself in check.

The last time I was with Hudson it was so easy. I know a large part of that is because we were drinking. But I think more than anything, back then I didn’t know what he was capable of making me feel. Now I do.

“So your first album came out two weeks ago,” I state, needing to keep the conversation flowing so I don’t have the chance to get inside my own head.

He nods.

“I may have downloaded and listened to the whole thing last night,” I admit.


“It’s good. Really good. I’m not a huge country music fan but you have this whole rock country thing going. The style really suits your voice.”

“Thank you. That album was definitely a labor of love. I’m pretty proud of it.”

“And it seems to be doing really well on the charts.” I open the menu in front of me but make no attempt to look at it. “So I assume you’re touring right now and that’s why you were with Travis last night?”

“Last night was actually my first show with Travis. I got picked up for the last leg of his tour. Since we’re on the same label, they’re all about cross promotion and an artist like Travis Travers can really help give me the exposure I need to make this album a success.”

“From what I gather it’s already a success,” I interject, briefly glancing down at the menu before looking back to him. “The first single went number one in the first month. For a new artist just hitting the scene, that’s pretty incredible.”

I pause when a young brunette waitress appears at our table, ignoring the way her eyes widen as she takes in Hudson. At first I think it’s his obvious good looks that have her gawking, but I quickly realize that’s not the only reason she seems to have lost her ability to speak the moment her eyes hit him.

“You’re Hudson James,” she finally blurts, stumbling over her words. “I love Tequila Haze so much. It’s such a beautiful song.”

“Thank you, Addie.” Hudson smiles up at the girl whose nametag he clearly just read.

“This is totally unprofessional, but can I please get a picture with you?” she asks, already pulling her phone out of the front of her apron.