Page 16 of Tequila Haze

“I’m not nearly awake enough for your games, Emma Barrett. Now spill.”

“Well, we walked on the beach for a while. Then we enjoyed the pretty freaking hilarious show you and Hudson were putting on in the water. After you two snuck off, I took him down to the pier.”

“You didn’t.” My mouth goes slack as I stare at my best friend.

“You brought Hudson into our home and let him fuck your brains out all night. Do not look at me like that.”

“I’m not looking at you like anything. I’m just surprised,” I say, purposely not pointing out the obvious. The pier was her and her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy’s, special spot.

There’s a large outstretch of sand underneath the pier that’s blocked completely from view unless you’re standing directly under it, which is where her and Jeremy would meet up to have sex when we were in high school. She hasn’t, to my knowledge, taken anyone there since he broke her heart a couple years ago.

“And, how was it?” I add when she makes no attempt to elaborate.

“Weird,” she admits, one side of her mouth quirking upward.

“Weird?” I question, surprised by her response. “Weird how?”

“It just wasn’t there. I mean, he’s obviously hot and we hit it off and all, but when we started getting hot and heavy under the pier, something felt off. I don’t know, there was just no spark.”

“So what happened?” I press for more information.

“I told him I couldn’t do it.”

“And how did he react?”

“Surprisingly, he was really cool about it. I think he felt it too. It was different when we were at the club under the flashing lights with alcohol pumping through us. But being outside under the moon, the fresh air in my nose, I don’t know. I guess it opened my eyes a little. Don’t get me wrong, Colton is totally friend material. I just didn’t see it going beyond that. When he kissed me I expected to feel a spark, but I felt nothing. Like literally nothing. It was like kissing my cousin or something. It’s hard to explain. I tried to push myself through it, thinking maybe it was the pier and that I’d made a mistake in taking him there, but I soon realized that wasn’t it. I could tell he felt off about it too. I guess when you know, you know.” She shrugs.

“I guess,” I agree softly, my mind drifting back to Hudson.

“So anyway, we exchanged phone numbers and he invited me up next weekend.”

“Wait, he invited you up where next weekend?” I ask, my heart suddenly pounding inside my chest.

“Nashville,” she states like it should be so obvious.

“Hold up. You’re telling me that you met a guy, thought you were into him, spent the night grinding on his leg only to realize later as you were making out that you weren’t into him, and then at some point in the time that followed you made plans to visit him hours away?” I ask, not trying to hide how odd it all sounds.

“Just because we didn’t click sexually doesn’t mean we didn’t click. We spent all night getting to know each other. Like I said, he’s definitely friendship material. And truthfully, I could always use more friends. Beats looking at your ugly mug all the time.” She laughs when I grab the closest pillow and swing it at her head.

Not letting my violence distract her, she quickly continues, “So anyways, I think I might go.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that.” She shrugs like it’s all perfectly normal.

“Em, you cannot drive damn near eight hours by yourself to spend the weekend with a guy you hung out with once. That’s insane.”

“One, it’s not even a little insane. I like him and you know how much I’ve been dying to go to Nashville. Two, Hudson is playing on Friday night and from what Colton tells me, he’s pretty amazing. I definitely want to see that. And third, I won’t be going alone because you’re going with me.”

“What?” I momentarily wonder if I’m still dreaming.

“You heard me. You’re coming with me.”

“I most certainly am not,” I object, setting my coffee back onto the night stand before crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“Tell me you’re not the least bit interested in seeing Hudson again,” she challenges.

“Em,” I start.