Page 106 of Tequila Haze

“Hudson’s hearing is at ten,” I tell him, stepping into the kitchen and heading straight for the coffee pot that I set to brew before getting into the shower.

“Yeah. Jerry called a little bit ago,” he says, standing and making his way toward the kitchen. “I think maybe you should stay here, Lennon.” He leans his hip against the kitchen counter.

“Why would I do that?” I ask, turning my attention back to my coffee as I drop a couple packets of sweetener inside and pop on the lid.

“It should go pretty smoothly and there’s really nothing you can do for him. Why don’t you wait here? I’ll go. The minute I know anything I’ll call you.”

“You think it will go smoothly?” I ask, turning to face him.

“Gage isn’t pressing charges so I can’t see them holding him any longer.”

“What do you mean Gage isn’t pressing charges?” I don’t try to hide my shock.

“I take it you expected him to.”

“There’s no way Gage would roll over and take what Hudson did to him. I know him. He’s vengeful and selfish. What could he possibly gain from letting Hudson walk?” I pause when I see the look Colton gives me. The one that says I should already know the answer to my own question. “They paid him off.” I shake my head in disbelief.

“That’s my guess.” Colton shrugs.

“Wow.” I don’t even know what to say. A part of me feels immense relief, the other part of me feels angry, though I’m not entirely sure why. “I’m still going,” I announce, knowing there’s no way I won’t.

“Lennon, honey, Hudson doesn’t want you there.” His words feel like a physical slap to the face and I pull back from their impact.

“What?” I shake my head, confused.

“He doesn’t want you there,” he repeats. “Jerry called me specifically to tell me that you are not to be there per Hudson’s request.”

“I...I don’t understand.” The reality of his words sink in and tears instantly well behind my eyes. “He thinks this was my fault, doesn’t he?” My voice gets louder as my emotion threatens to take over.

“No, Lennon. He doesn’t. I don’t know why he doesn’t want you there but if I had to guess it probably has everything to do with him and nothing to do with you.”

“I watched him beat my ex-boyfriend to the point he was almost unrecognizable. I sat in a police station lobby half the night waiting, worrying, just needing to make sure he’s okay. And nowhedoesn’t want to seeme?” I think on that for a long moment, anger bubbling in my gut. “Well fuck that.” I snag my keys from the counter and run out the door before Colton can even think to stop me.

He yells after me, but by the time he makes it out of my condo, the elevator doors are already sliding closed behind me.

I ignore my phone that rings in my pocket and quickly step off the elevator into the parking garage, my feet stuttering the moment I see the stain right behind my car.

The blood that painted the concrete has been haphazardly washed away but the remnants of what happened here still remains.

Trying to shake off the image, I quickly climb into my car. The faint spoiled smell reminds me of the groceries that were left abandoned in the trunk last night.

Not having it in me to worry about that right now, I quickly fire the engine and back out of my parking spot. My one and only focus right now is getting to Hudson. Everything else can wait.


“Lennon, stop,” Coltonhisses behind me as I march through the courthouse.

Not sure how he got here so quickly, I pick up the pace, heading to the courtroom the lady at the front desk referred me to.

“Lennon,” he says seconds before wrapping his hand around my forearm, pulling me to an abrupt halt.

“What the hell are you doing?” I bite, not caring that my voice echoes through the quiet hallway.

“I need you to trust me here, Lennon.”

“Why are you pushing this so hard? Why is it so important to you that I not be here? What aren’t you telling me, Colton?”

“I’ll explain in the car. Please, just come with me.”