Page 103 of Tequila Haze

“If you ever come near her again, I will fucking kill you,” he warns, his voice low.

“She doesn’t fucking belong to you.” Blood flows freely from his mouth and nose.

“Like hell she doesn’t.” Hudson pulls back and lands another hard punch to Gage’s face. “Do not ever.” Another punch. “Fucking touch her.” Another punch. “Ever again.”

Gage groans, his head rolling to the side as blood pours to the concrete.

I’m frozen in place, not sure what to do. My heart is beating so fast I’m afraid I might be having a heart attack.

I don’t know how this went so bad so quick. I didn’t even know Hudson was here. He wasn’t supposed to be back until tomorrow.

Before I have a chance to say anything, blue and red lights appear to the right, speeding through the parking garage toward us.

I don’t remember calling 911, but when I look to the ground my phone is lit up, connected to the emergency number. Realizing my finger must have slipped when Gage kissed me, I look up at Hudson with sheer and utter panic.

Hudson is still on top of Gage when the first officer advances, managing to wrestle Hudson to the ground. He puts up no resistance what so ever when the officer pins his arms behind his back and slaps a set of cuffs over his wrists.

“Ma’am,” a female officer says next to me but I can’t tear my eyes away from the scene unfolding in front of me.

Hudson handcuffed on the ground. Gage unconscious, his face bloody and swollen as a male officer assesses his condition.

“Ma’am,” she says again moments before her hand touches my shoulder.

I jump at the contact, finally turning my attention to her. She’s not what I would expect a cop to look like. Middle aged, petite, shoulder length red hair pinned back from her face. It’s like I’m seeing her, studying the lines and dips of her face but not actually seeing her at the same time.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” she asks, her hand tightening on my shoulder.

“I don’t know,” I answer, my voice shaking uncontrollably. “I don’t know what happened,” I say, pretty sure I might be going into shock.

“Dispatch was requested to this location after two people were heard arguing over an emergency call line. Was that you? Did you call?” she asks, looking at me expectantly. “Is that the man you were arguing with?” She points to Hudson as he’s being placed in the back of the police car.

“No.” I shake my head, pointing to Gage who’s being placed on a stretcher and rolled toward an ambulance I never saw arrive. “He’s my ex-boyfriend. He was drinking.” My lip quivers seconds before tears start pouring down my face. “I didn’t mean to call. My finger must have hit the button,” I stumble out.

“And him?” She points toward the car Hudson is sitting in the back of.

“He’s my boyfriend.” My vision blurs as I try to get a visual on Hudson.

“Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?”

“I’m okay.” I shake my head, knowing physically I’m fine. Mentally however is a completely different story. “Wait? Where are you taking him?” I make a move toward the police car as it starts to move.

“He’s going to be taken to the station, ma’am.” The female officer holds her arm out in an effort to stop me.

“Why?” I practically scream in her face. “He was just trying to protect me,” I say, even though I have no idea if that’s the truth. For all I know Hudson saw the kiss and assumed I was a willing participant.

The thought makes my stomach heave and for a moment I think I might be sick.

“We’ll work all this out at the station,” she reiterates, gesturing to the second cop car, a male officer in the driver’s seat.

“Are you arresting me?” I ask, confused.

“No, ma’am. But we need to get your statement. Figure out exactly what happened here.”

“I already told you. He was trying to protect me.” I scream toward the car holding Hudson right as it passes.

I catch a brief glimpse of him in the backseat, his face turned down toward his lap.

“Hudson!” I scream so loud there’s no way he doesn’t hear me, yet he doesn’t flinch.