Page 102 of Tequila Haze

“I know enough. And I trust him. So you can take your bullshit somewhere else because I’m done listening to it.”

“Lennon, please. We can be happy together. You and me. I can keep you safe.”

“We have been over this so many times I honestly don’t know what else I can say to make you see that I will never,everget back together with you. You cheated on me. You humiliated me. If you ever cared for me you will turn around, leave, and never come back.”

“It’s because I care about you that I can’t do that.”

“This isn’t caring about someone, Gage. What you did to me. What you continue to do to me. It isn’t love. It’s obsession.”

“I’m not obsessed.” He draws back like I’ve just slapped him.

“What would you call it then, huh?” I cross my arms over my chest. “You’ve shown up at my house uninvited several times over the last few months. You admitted to driving by my house, walking on the beach next to my house. You showed up at a bar where I was with Emma and proceeded to push yourself at me even though I’ve told you repeatedly that I’m not interested.”

“You’re making me sound like a stalker.”

“I’m starting to wonder if you are one.”

“I’m not stalking you, Lennon. I just need you to hear me out.”

“I’ve heard you out, Gage. Over and over again and my answer does not change. This.” I gesture between the two of us. “This will never,everhappen.”

“Because ofhim?” He growls, nostrils flaring.

“Because of you.” I point right in his face. “Youare the one that did this. He is the one that showed me I’m glad that you did.”

“This isn’t over, Lennon. It can’t be.” He takes another step toward me, forcing me to take a step back, the frame of the bumper cool against the back of my legs.

“It is over, Gage. It’s been over for months. Now either you leave me alone or I will call the police andmakeit where you don’t have a choice in the matter.”

“You wouldn’t,” he spits, leaning into my personal space.

“Why don’t you try me, Gage,” I challenge, not backing down as I pull out my phone and type in 911, holding the screen up for him to see.

“You loved me once.”

“I thought I did,” I say, softening my approach when I see the hurt that flashes through his eyes. “Listen, you’re drunk. Just go home. Go home, Gage.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Before I have a chance to react, Gage’s mouth is on mine. His hand tugs on the back of my hair. Pain shooting through my scalp.

I push at his chest but it doesn’t do me a lot of good. He’s solid against me, his lips pressed so hard to mine I swear my bottom lip splits open under his attack.

I try to shake him loose but he’s too strong. Pulling my leg back as far as I can, I kick, my foot connecting with his shin so hard it sends pain shooting up my leg.

He stumbles back, seemingly shocked. But before either of us has recovered, his body goes airborne, hitting the concrete so hard I hear the air wheeze from his body.

All I can see are fists flying. I’m fairly certain it takes me a full thirty seconds to realize what is happening and even then I’m not sure I’ve grasped it.

“Hudson?” I question, watching his arm draw back as he lays another hard punch to Gage’s face, the bridge of his nose splitting open.

“Hudson!” I scream, my body on autopilot as I attempt to pull him off Gage. “Hudson stop!” I scream, my mind not able to process a single second of the scene unfolding in front of me.

Gage takes a swing at Hudson, missing his chin by the smallest margin before Hudson’s fist connects with his nose again. Blood splatters all over Gage’s face and Hudson’s shirt.

“Hudson, stop! Stop hitting him,” I plead, grabbing his right arm mid-air when he swings downward again.

I may slow the speed of his punch, but I don’t stop it.

Hudson shakes off my hold and leans down in Gage’s face.