Page 76 of Tequila Haze

“Pardon?” I turn in his direction.

“Y’all are fucking nauseating.” He shakes his head, biting back a smile.

“How so?” I shift in my seat so I can see him better, adjusting my seat belt as I do.

“It’s nothing.” He shakes his head.

“Well you said something so clearly it’s not nothing.”

“I never thought I’d see the day when my lifelong best friend would have his balls completely twisted by a girl. And I sure as shit didn’t expect to be sitting next to said girl watching her go all starry eyed over something he said.”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing.”

“Not a bad thing. Hudson’s family. My brother. Blood or not. The only thing I want is for him to be happy. I just didn’t think he’d be such a pussy when the right girl finally came along.”

“You think I’m the right girl?” I blurt out.

“Hudson does. That’s what matters.”

“But what do you think?” I ask, getting the feeling he’s holding back on me.

“Look, I don’t know you that well, so it’s hard for me to say one way or another. What I do know is that Hudson’s got it bad over you. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

“What do you mean?”

“Hudson doesn’t live the average lifestyle. He travels a lot, is around countless women all vying for his attention. He doesn’t have room in his life for someone who can’t handle that. And he’s really into you, Lennon. I worry that once you see what life with him will really be like, you’re going to bolt and I don’t want to see him get hurt because you can’t stand being under the spotlight with him.”

“I’m not going to hurt him, Colton. If anything, he’ll hurt me. I’m in this. One hundred and ten percent. The only way I won’t be is if he doesn’t want me here.”

“That’s good to hear.” He visibly relaxes. “You hungry? We’ve got a little time to kill before the show.”

“I could eat.” I straighten in my seat as Colton turns into the busy parking lot of what appears to be a bar and grill.

“Come on. Now that we’ve got the heavy out of the way, let’s go grab a drink and a burger as big as your head.” He parks, killing the engine.

“Big as my head?” I question, laughter in my voice.

“You think I’m joking.” He winks, hopping out of the truck.


It’s nearly eight o’clockby the time Colton and I arrive at the stadium where the concert is taking place. As anxious as I was to get here, I knew Hudson was busy and I wouldn’t get to see him until later, so I enjoyed my time with Colton.

After our little talk in the truck things seemed to shift and he was much more relaxed with me. As we ate our burgers, which quite literally were nearly the size of my head, and had a couple drinks, the conversation was easy and I found myself laughing through most of it.

I understand now why Colton and Hudson are so close. They really are similar in a lot of ways. It almost makes me sad that he and Emma didn’t work out. Not that I don’t love Robert, I do, but growing up we always dreamed we’d end up marrying brothers, or at the very least best friends. We’d all be super close and our children would grow up to be best friends as well.

It’s silly when you think about it. Things have a way of working out the way they’re supposed to in the end. I doubt Emma could have found what she found with Robert with anyone else. Those two are a match made in heaven.

“Here, you’ll need this,” Colton says after parking the truck in the private back lot of the arena.

I look up to see his hand extended, a laminated pass hanging from the lanyard dangling from his finger.

“Thanks,” I say, quickly sliding it over my head, looking down at the way the bright lettering stands out against my dark shirt.

After we ate, Colton took me to the hotel where I’ll be staying with Hudson for the next two nights. I was able to drop my bag off and freshen up before changing into a swoop neck, sleeveless black top, dark skinny jeans, and casual black heels.

After the way I was sweating on the plane it was a relief to have some time to put myself together. Though Colton only gave me ten minutes to change, brush my teeth, and apply a quick, light layer of mascara and gloss before he was dragging me back out of the room.