Page 75 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Nineteen


“You made it.” Coltonsmiles when he sees me approaching.

“I did. Though given the amount of turbulence we experienced, I wasn’t sure I was going to,” I admit, my nerves shot after what was probably one of the worst flights of my life.

I’m not a huge flier to begin with. It’s something I don’t do often and today was proof of why. If the turbulence and the fact that I had convinced myself we were going to crash wasn’t enough, I also happened to be sandwiched in the middle seat between a man who did not believe in deodorant and a woman who talked to herself almost the entire time.

“Welcome to Texas,” he announces and only then do I remember that this is his and Hudson’s home state.

“Thank you.”

“Here, let me get that for you.” Colton slides my duffel bag off my shoulder and slings it over his own. “Come on, I parked in temporary parking. We should probably get our asses outside before they tow me.” He chuckles, leading me through the airport to the double doors that exit to the outside.

“So, is personal chauffeur in your job description now too?” I tease when he opens the door to a shiny blue pickup truck and gestures for me to climb in.

“Hudson’s bitch,” he announces, climbing into the driver’s seat next to me. “Gonna have that shit tattooed on my forehead I think.” He laughs, firing the engine to life before shifting into gear.

“Thanks for picking me up, Colton,” I say as he speeds out onto the street.

“One of the better parts of my job.” He throws me a lopsided smile before turning his gaze back to the road.

“What is it you do exactly? I mean, besides being the bitch.” I giggle.

“Well, back in the day I considered myself more management material. But when Hudson got signed the label insisted on assigning him a manager of their choosing.”

“Jerry,” I confirm.

“Jerry.” He nods. “Hudson wanted to keep me around. I think he liked knowing there would be someone on his team that would always look out for his best interests. I mean, he’s been my best friend since birth. Someone’s gotta be around to take care of his ass. So when he signed, part of his deal was that I was given an official position on his team. Hence, Hudson’s bitch. Though the label refers to me as something a little more dignified.”

“He’s lucky to have you.” I settle back into my seat, finally starting to relax a little.

“Damn straight he is.” He looks my way briefly, humor tugging at the features of his handsome face.

I don’t know why I never noticed, or maybe I did and was just too blinded by Hudson to really see, but Colton is really quite good looking. Strong jaw, soulful gray eyes, the smallest amount of scruff running down his neck. He really is pretty easy on the eyes. Especially wearing ripped jeans, Converse, and an old vintage Johnny Cash shirt. If there wasn’t a Hudson I could totally see myself being interested in someone like Colton. Though I didn’t feel that way the first time I met him.

I know he and Emma hit it off instantly that night, though she seemed convinced he was a player. I wasn’t so sure back then, but now, sitting here looking at him, it’s clear he definitely has that vibe. There’s just something about him that screams playboy.

“So what’s the game plan?” I ask after several bouts of silence stretch between us.

“Hudson has a radio appearance and two magazine interviews that will likely back him up pretty close to show time.” He glances to the clock on the dash that reads just after five.

“And what time does the show start?” I ask.

“Opening band goes on at seven. Hudson will be on right around eight-thirty. His set will last about an hour.”

“And his parents?” I question, a nervous knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

“They are going to be in the stands so you probably won’t meet them until after the show.”

“And where will I be?” I question.

“Backstage with me.” He grins. “Hudson wanted to look over and see you there, not spend the whole night searching for you in the crowd.”

“That’s kind of sweet,” I say more to myself than to Colton, trying to hide the ridiculous smile that threatens to take over my whole face.

“Jesus, you two...” Colton seems to pick up on my reaction despite my attempt to play it cool.