Page 61 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Sixteen


“Thank you for everythingyou did today and leading up to today, Lennon. I don’t think Starr would have been able to handle all this without you.” Mark smiles at me as he guides me effortlessly across the dance floor.

“It was nothing. I’d do it all again to see her as happy as she is right now.” Both of our gazes go to my sister who is currently dancing with Mark’s dad.

“It’s been a perfect day. I know I owe a lot of that to you.”

“You can thank me by making my sister happy for the rest of her life.”

“I can handle that.” He chuckles, giving me a twirl before pulling me back toward him.

It’s about two hours into the reception. Dinner has been eaten, the cake has been cut and served, and the first dances are out of the way. There’s really nothing left to do but enjoy the rest of the evening. And since Emma, my wing woman for the night, dipped out early to go home with her hubby, I’ve been bouncing around mingling for the last several minutes. That is until Mark tagged me for a dance.

“You’re really good for her,” I tell him, noticing for the first time the blue that lines his hazel eyes.

Mark is quite attractive. Clean shaved. Light brown hair, styled short. Nice broad shoulders. Tall. He’s not Hudson hot (but then again who is) but it’s clear how he managed to catch my sister’s eye. Especially when he smiles. There’s something so genuine and easy about the action that you can’t help but immediately like the guy once he smiles at you.

“She’s really good for me.”

“I’m glad you two have each other.”

“So why don’t you tell me about this Hudson guy Starr can’t seem to shut up about?” He looks down at me with humor in his eyes.

“There’s really nothing to tell. At least not yet. We’re kind of feeling each other out.”

“Are you hoping it will become serious?”

I shrug, not offering an actual response.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He laughs, his gaze looking over my head for a brief moment.

“It’s strange. I’ve never felt so strongly about someone in such a short period of time,” I admit, not sure why I’m telling my brand new brother-in-law this.

I blame the tequila. Stupid open bar.

“Starr said you invited him tonight.”

“I did.” I sigh. “He couldn’t make it. He’s in Vegas this weekend for a show.”

“You sure about that?”

I don’t have time to even process his statement before my thoughts are interrupted. That deep rasp resonating to the deepest parts of me.

“May I cut in?”

I turn toward the voice, sucking in a sharp breath when my eyes land on Hudson’s dark ones.

“Be my guest,” Mark says seconds before I’m transferred into Hudson’s arms.

“What are you doing here?” I blink up at him in complete and total shock.

“Surprised?” He grins, sliding my arms around his neck as the band starts playing another slow song.

“Very.” I smile when he wraps his arms around my middle and pulls me flush with his body. “But how? I thought you had a show.”

“The show was last night. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to make it because we had a few radio appearances early this morning, but I managed to make it happen. Caught the earliest flight I could. Thank god it wasn’t delayed or I may not have made it in time.”