Page 57 of Tequila Haze

“Honestly, daddy, we aren’t teenagers anymore,” Starr whines, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she leans back in her chair.

“Then perhaps you shouldn’t act like it.” He turns his gaze to me. “Lennon, you can tell us about this new man,” he clears his throat, clearly not comfortable with this conversation. “Or you cannot. That choice is yours.”

“There’s really nothing to tell.” I go with the easiest response I can think of. “That’s not to say it won’t turn into something but as of right now we’re just getting to know each other.”

“Good enough for me.” My father offers a soft smile.

“Well it’s not good enough for me,” Nana chimes in. “I want details. Especially if he’s as hot as Starr says he is.”

“Mom,” my mother objects, shaking her head.

“What? I’m old, not dead.” Nana chuckles and my father groans.

“On that note.” Mark scoots his chair back and stands. “Starr and I should be going. We have an appointment with Joy to finalize some last minute wedding details.” He holds his hand out to Starr who takes it without hesitation, allowing him to pull her to her feet. “I’m sorry we can’t stay longer.”

Mark and Starr decided on a small ceremony on the beach with only immediate family and the wedding party. After, there will be a large outdoor reception for all of the family and their friends.

“No worries at all.” My mother stands as Starr and Mark say their goodbyes; hugging Nana first and then my dad, both coming to me last.

“I officially hate you today,” I mutter when Starr hugs me tight.

“I love you too, sis,” she sings in my ear before releasing me.

I swear to god if my parents weren’t watching I would tit punch her so hard right now.

“Sorry about her.” Mark smiles, wrapping his arm around my shoulder in a quick hug.

“Thanks for trying.” I wink at him.

“Just remember that when I need saving.” He chuckles, dropping his arm.

“Deal.” I offer a small wave as my mother ushers the two of them toward the house.

“So... Now that they’re all gone.” Nana pats her hand on the table, pulling my attention back to her. “Tell me about this hot piece of man everyone is so up in arms about.” She gives me a toothy grin and leans forward, elbows on the tables.

“Oh for goodness sakes.” My father groans, quickly standing. “I’m declaring Sunday lunch over,” he mutters, standing and heading toward the house.

“Well?” Nana looks at me expectantly.

“You wanna see a picture?” I ask, knowing I can’t deny Nana.

“Do frogs eat flies?” she quips, reaching for my phone before I even have it off the table.

Laughing, I pull up my picture feed and scroll to the last two pictures I took. One is of Hudson, laying in the lounge chair, hands tucked behind his head, sunglasses covering his eyes. He didn’t know I was taking it until he heard the snap, which leads me to the second picture. He’d just realized I took the first one, a wide smile on his handsome face as he reaches for the phone. He looks incredible in both so it really doesn’t matter which one I show her.

“Here.” I pass her the phone, the picture where he’s smiling on the screen.

“Well hot damn.” Nana smacks the table and lets out a whistle. “Look at that stomach. If I were fifty years younger the things I could do with a man like that.”

“Nana.” I laugh, taking my phone back.

“I’ll repeat. I’m old, not dead.” She smirks. “Just you wait. One day you’ll be old like me and you’ll know I was right. You’re never too old to appreciate something that fine.”

“I guess I’ll have to wait and see.” I laugh, shaking my head.

“So, you think it’s serious?”

“I hope it will be.” Complete honesty. There’s no point in lying to Nana. Not only will she see right through it, but she’ll call me out on it as well. Best to save my breath on the truth.