Page 44 of Tequila Haze

I spent weeks crying over our breakup and even longer trying to drink away the memory of it all. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve looked at him, or even thought of him for that matter, and not felt the familiar pang in my chest from losing him.

“Why are you smiling?” Gage stops dead in his tracks, his eyes slicing through me like knives. “This isn’t fucking funny, Len.”

“From where I’m standing it kind of is,” I retort.

“Are you even listening to me?” he practically growls. “She fucking ruined my life. She ruined me. She ruinedus. And it was all a lie.”

“Pretty sure you ruined us, Gage.” My smile slips as the anger starts to seep in.

“I loved you, Lennon. I still fucking love you. I was only with her for the baby. And the baby isn’t even fucking mine!” he roars, both hands tugging through his hair this time.

“Why are you here, Gage?” I lean against one of the stools that line the breakfast bar, urging him to make his point.

“As soon as I found out, as soon as she admitted the truth, all I could think was I had to fix this.” He gestures between him and I.


“Us, Lennon. You and me. The baby isn’t mine. There’s still a chance for us.”

Laughter rises in my throat and bubbles over, despite my attempt to reel it in.

“After the hell you put me through you have the audacity to show up here unannounced with the news that the baby you thought you created when youcheatedon me isn’t yours and you thought what? That I’d just take you back?”

“Len.” He steps toward me but I hold my hand up to stop him.

“Get out.” I raise my eyes slowly to meet his as I point toward the door.

“Lennon, I know it will take time but we can work this out.”

“I said, get out,” I snip, my teeth clenching.

“No,” he refuses. “Not until you hear me out.”

“There is nothing to hear out. You said everything you needed to say when you choseherover me.”

“I didn’t choose her. I chose the baby I thought was mine.”

“You chose her when you stuck your dick in her while I was at home waiting for you. You chose her when you lied to me over and over again. You chose her, Gage. Every single time.”

“I love you, Lennon.”

“Youloveme?” I push away from the stool, throwing my hands in the air. “News flash, you don’t do shit like that to someone you love. Now I will say this only one more time, get the fuck out of my house.” I point violently toward the door.

“I’m not giving up on us.” His voice is low, full of steely determination.

“There is no us, Gage. And you know what? I’m happy you cheated on me. I’m happy. You saved me from a lifetime of having settled for thewrongman.” I can tell my words sting but I don’t care. He deserves everything I throw at him and then some.

“You don’t mean that,” he objects.

“Yes I do. Now please, do us both a favor and go.”


“I said leave, Gage. Now!”

“This isn’t the end of this.”

“Yes it is.” I walk to the door and rip it open, my entire body faltering when I see Hudson on the other side, hand raised as if he was preparing to knock.