Page 41 of Tequila Haze

“Just Emma being Emma.” I smile, watching him cross the space toward us.

“Uh oh, what’d she do this time?” he asks, wrapping his arms around Emma’s waist and pulling her to him the second he reaches her.

“Lennon just doesn’t like it when I’m right.” She smiles up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

While Robert is no Hudson, he definitely fits in the ‘too hot for his own good’ category. It’s clear to see why he swept Emma off her feet so effortlessly. The way his white pressed shirt looks against his dark skin. The way it clings to his thick biceps. Hell, it’s enough to make anyone take notice.

“The question is, are you actually right?” He grins at her, tightening his grip when she tries to pull away.

“I’m always right,” she bites back, smacking his chest.

“Yes, dear.” He chuckles, stealing a kiss before pulling her to his side, his arm wrapping around her shoulders as they face me. “Do you think I could steal my wife for the rest of the day?”

“Yep. I think we’re done for now anyway.” I nod, not able to contain the smile on my face.

I never thought I’d see the day when Emma Barrett (now Emma Mills) would be tamed by a man. But Robert has definitely tamed her–in all the good ways of course. She’s still crazy Emma, just way happier and a hell of a lot more grown up than she was before Robert came into her life.

I think that’s how you know it’s real. Love, that is. I think love and relationships change everyone but it’s real love–the kind that you know deep in your bones is a forever kind of love–that brings out the absolute best in you. And that’s exactly what Robert has done for Emma.

“I’ll get the order placed for the wall paper that we settled on tonight,” Emma informs me, stepping out from underneath Robert’s arm to grab her keys and bag from the floor.

“Perfect. I think I’m going to head over toTrina’sand see if I can find some décor pieces for the office and maybe some stuff for the other rooms as well.” Trina’s is my absolute favorite boutique that sells the most interesting home décor items I’ve ever seen.

“Meet you back here in the morning?” She smiles, taking Robert’s outstretched hand.

“Sounds good. You two kids have fun,” I call over my shoulder as they head toward the door.

“Bye, Lennon,” Robert calls loudly over his shoulder.

“Bye, Robert,” I return even louder seconds before the door closes behind him.


Hudson:Is it Saturday yet?

I stare at the text message that startled me awake minutes after I had fallen asleep, an instant smile darting across my face.

Me:I wish. How was the show tonight?

I settle back onto my pillow, holding the phone above my face as I watch the dots bounce across the screen before another message appears.

Hudson:Really good. I’m exhausted.

Me:I bet. Maybe you should try to sleep Saturday instead of coming here.

Hudson:Trying to back out on me?

Me:Not a chance. I just feel bad. You’re so busy. Now isn’t a good time for you.

I chew on my bottom lip as I wait for his reply, which takes a lot longer to come through than I’d like.

Hudson:I think I’m capable of deciding what I have time for and for you, Luscious Lennon, I definitely have time.

I smile so big my face hurts, wishing the simplest things didn’t make me so giddy. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel like I’m already in way over my head.

Me:Well when you put it that way...

I hit send and then quickly type out another message.