Page 40 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Ten


“What do you think ofthis pattern?” Emma asks, holding up a silver and white delicate looking wall paper.

We’re trying to settle on what to use for the accent wall in the office and thus far, have not been able to agree.

“That’s okay.” I shrug. “I’m not in love with it though.”

“You’re being more particular than usual,” Emma points out, shoving the sample to the side before pulling out another.

“It’s just this house. It’s a lot more high end than we’re used to designing. I want to make sure we get it perfect.”

“Fine.” Emma rolls her eyes and pulls out another sample. This one pale gray with a wide stroke ivory design.

“That’s it,” I say instantly, knowing it will match the ivory colored sitting chairs that I’ve already ordered for that room.

“You’re sure?” Emma turns it toward her and studies it for a long moment before nodding. “Yeah, you’re right. This is it. We can have the guys match this color for the other three walls.” She points to the light gray color.

“I think that sounds perfect,” I agree, stretching my legs out on the floor in front of me.

Emma and I have been at this for hours. It’s Wednesday and even though we have been design sketching since Monday, we haven’t gotten much done. The master bedroom and bathroom design along with the office took us longer than expected. I don’t know why. Usually we have our designs drawn up in a matter of hours and are ordering supplies while the contractors finish the demo, but this project has proven to be much more challenging. Not only is it nearly four times the size of the condos and small beach houses we usually design, but it’s also going to go for a lot higher value, so it’s important we get the design right.

“So, have you talked to lover boy today?” she asks, collecting the wall paper samples off the floor before shoving them into the box next to her.

“Not today. They have a show in Charlotte tonight, Birmingham tomorrow, and Atlanta on Friday. I think it’s safe to say he’s pretty busy.”

“I still can’t believe he’s touring with Travis Travers.” She shakes her head.

“I know. It’s crazy,” I agree, hoisting myself off the floor of the unfinished office. “I’m still waiting to wake up, ya know? Like this is all just some crazy dream.”

“Has he told you what he’s got planned for your date yet?” she asks, reaching her hands up for me to help her off the floor.

Rolling my eyes, I grab both her hands and tug her upright before answering.

“I think we’re just gonna hang out. Maybe hit the beach and probably go out to dinner.” I shrug. “We haven’t really had a lot of time to talk about it. He called Sunday but couldn’t talk long. They’ve had a show every night but one since and they are doing tons of interviews and promo stuff for the new album between shows, so we’ve mainly just been texting.”

“Money says you two don’t make it to dinner before clothes start coming off.” She smiles mischievously before following me out of the room.

“Normally I would argue that you’re wrong but with Hudson...” I let out a slow breath, stopping inside the gutted kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the cooler Emma brought.

“Girl, you’ve got it bad.” She leans her hip against the frame where the kitchen sink will go, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I know,” I admit, taking a long pull of water. “And that’s what scares me. I don’t even know this guy, Em. I mean, hell, I let you drag me all the way to Nashville after spending one night with him. That’s how crazy he makes me.”

“Love makes us all a little crazy.”

“This isn’t love. If anything it’s infatuation.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night.” She smiles like she knows something I don’t.

“Don’t do that,” I warn.

“Do what?” she clips innocently, reaching around to tighten her long wavy ponytail.

“You know what.” I narrow my gaze at her.

“Looks intense in here,” a male voice rings out, causing me to jump slightly. Spinning, I see Robert standing inside the doorway just a few feet away. “Am I interrupting something?”