Page 38 of Tequila Haze

I try to refuse, but with so many eyes on us it’s hard to say no without causing a huge scene, so I cave and let Starr drag me out into the center of the dance floor, Sandy right behind me.

“Alright, everyone, let’s wish Starr and Mark a fucking beautiful life together–Nashville style.”

With that, Hudson places the mic into the stand, snags a guitar from behind him, slides the strap over his shoulder, and positions himself center stage, winking at me seconds before he starts to play.

The band kicks in, immediately following his lead, and within seconds Hudson starts to sing. Seeing him up on that big stage at the concert was nothing short of amazing, but seeing him like this, in his element, in it just to have fun... it’s like seeing a whole other side to him.

Before long even I can’t deny the feel of the music coursing through my body and I start to move with the upbeat rhythm of the song. I’ve never heard it before. He sings about beer and hot girls and as it would seem, those two are quite the crowd pleaser here in Nashville. The audience goes wild for him. But how could they not? He’s incredible.

For the next three minutes I let myself go. Let the feel of Hudson’s eyes watching me fuel my boldness. Let the sound of his voice vibrate through every inch of my body.

By the end of the song I’m overheated and in need of a serious drink, but before I can even think to move toward the bar, Hudson thanks everyone and quickly jumps off the stage. He’s at my side in seconds, wrapping his large hand around my much smaller one.

“Ladies, I’m gonna steal her for ten minutes.” He smiles and I swear all five girls melt into little puddles of lust at his feet.

“Okay.” Starr looks at him with stars in her eyes like she too has fallen in love with the man after minutes of being in his presence.

Hudson tugs on my hand once more, walking straight for the door before anyone can stop him. Once on the sidewalk, he jerks me to the right and slides me into a small alleyway that runs between this bar and the one next to it.

Guiding me backward, he doesn’t stop until my back is flush with the brick wall behind me. He leans into me, caging me in with his arms seconds before his mouth closes over mine.

He doesn’t coax or ease me into it. He kisses me good and hard, his tongue sliding against mine so seductively. A moan finds its way from me.

“Fuck.” He pulls back breathlessly, his face hovering so close to mine I can’t see anything but his eyes. “I thought I could kiss you and walk away with my sanity but then you have to go and do something like that.” He shakes his head. “You’re going to be the death of me, Lennon Claire,” he says, kissing me again, this time much gentler.

“Thank you for what you did for Starr,” I say when he pulls back again, reaching around to lock my hands around his neck. “You seriously made her night.”

“I’m glad I could do that for her. And for you.” He kisses the tip of my nose. “Speaking of which, I better get you back inside.”

I whimper, not wanting to go anywhere except wherever he’s going.

“Do that again and I’ll say fuck your sister’s bachelorette weekend because you’ll be coming home with me.” He presses his body flush with mine, letting me feel his arousal hard against my belly.

“I wish I could,” I answer truthfully, pulling his face back to mine for another kiss. “Why don’t you come back inside with me? You could hang out with us the rest of the night,” I suggest, knowing after what he just pulled Starr would probably be all for this idea.

“I don’t want to impose. This is Starr’s weekend. But I want to see you again,” he says, his mouth lingering, his lips brushing against mine with each word he speaks.

“I leave tomorrow morning,” I remind him.

“I mean beyond this weekend. Ineedto see you again,” he emphasizes and it does something fantastic to my insides. “We have a show in Georgia next Friday and Saturday is clear before we head to Utah early Sunday morning. I checked the schedule this afternoon. I could drive down Saturday morning and we could spend the day together. It can be our first official date.” His suggestion makes my chest swell and I nearly pronounce my love for him right here.

But, I’m not naïve enough to believe that I actually love him. Or maybe I do, but either way I know being with him makes me so happy I feel like I could burst into a bazillion pieces.

“You checked into all this this afternoon?” I question, trying to contain how pleased this makes me.

“I haven’t thought about anything but you since the moment I saw you last night, standing out in the middle of the crowd like a fucking angel calling to me.”

“You sure are good with words.”

“I’m good with a lot of things.” He dips his head, peppering kisses across my throat.

“I remember,” I say but my voice sounds nothing like my own.

Hudson’s lips find mine again. “What do you say, Luscious Lennon. Will you go on a date with me?”

The way he phrases it makes me giggle against his mouth. “Are you sure you can make it work?”

“I’ll make it work. Come hell or high water my ass will be in Destin on Saturday. That is, if you want me there.”