Page 29 of Tequila Haze

When I finally made my way back to the group, Travis Travers was already on stage and my sister and her friends were too enthralled with the way he was shaking his ass to question where I’d disappeared to.

Sandy had given me a strange look to which I mouthed “Later,” before turning my attention to the man on stage.

“This I need to hear.” Sandy leans sideways in the seat across from my sister, her head popping into view.

“Sorry to disappoint, but there really isn’t anything to tell,” I semi lie.

“Bullshit,” Starr bites out, pointing her finger right at my face. “I know that look, Lennon Marie. Now spill.”

“I’m meeting him for lunch tomorrow,” I say without meaning to.

“You’re having lunch with Hudson James?” Starr says almost disbelieving.

“His name is Hudson Demasi, and yes, we are meeting tomorrow at noon at some place called Mimi’s.”

“Tell me how it is that you just happen to know this guy? I mean, not that you’re not pretty, sis, but have you really looked at that man?”

I bite back a smile, choosing my next words carefully.

“I’m going to pretend you didn’t imply that I’m not good looking enough to go to lunch with him. And for your information, I met him five years ago when he was on spring break in Destin with his friend, Colton.”

“The guy that came out and got you?” Sandy questions.

I nod in response.

“So you met himfiveyears ago. But how do you remember each other?” My sister brings me back to what she really wants to know.

“Emma and I were celebrating her birthday when we met Hudson and Colton. We all hit it off and ended up hanging out the rest of the night. That’s pretty much it. I haven’t seen him since.”

“So you mean to tell me you only hung out once, yet he was able to recognize you from up on stage among all the other faces? I call bullshit.” She studies me for a long moment before adding, “You slept with him.”

“No I didn’t.” I shoot her comment down like it’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard and yet something tells me my expression isn’t so convincing.

“Oh my god, you totally did. You little slut.” She slaps at me playfully.

“I’m not a slut,” I disagree, the corner of my mouth twitching.

Truth be told, I’m about the furthest from a slut you can get. Okay maybe not completely, but I’ve only slept with four men in my twenty-seven years on this earth and Hudson is the only one night stand I’ve ever had.

Starr opens her mouth like she wants to say more, but closes it when the bus pulls to a stop outside of our hotel and the doors slide open.

“Don’t think you’re getting off that easy,” she warns, standing. “I want every detail later. And I meaneverydetail.” She shakes her head. “I can’t believe you kept this from me.”

“Well in my defense, I had no idea he wastheHudson James. Until I saw him on stage I thought he was still some small time guitar player who sang in random bars from time to time.”

“Uh huh.” She gives me a look that says she really does not believe me before spinning and quickly exiting the bus.


“Shut up! Shut up!”Emma squeals so loudly I have to hold the phone away from my ear as to not rupture an eardrum.

“Calm down. You keep screaming like that you’re likely to give your poor husband a heart attack.”

“Oh please. He’s heard me scream a lot louder.” Her words drip with seduction and I have no control over the laugh that rips from my throat.

“I’m completely unsurprised by this news,” I tell her flatly once I’ve reeled in the laughter still apparent in my voice.

“Considering your room was right next to mine for over half a decade, I should think not,” she smarts. “Now stop trying to change the subject. Hudson. Holy shit, Lennon. How are you not freaking out right now?”