Page 28 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Seven


Unknown:Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.

I smile as I read the text from Hudson, sent approximately forty-five minutes ago. It was such a cluster trying to exit the concert that I hadn’t even thought of checking my phone until now.

I save the number under Hudson’s name and quickly type out a reply.

Me:I’m sorry, do I know you?

I laugh to myself, tucking my knees up against the seat in front of me like I always used to do when I was a kid. Considering the party bus is more like a small school bus, it’s something I do without even really thinking about it.

Hudson:Maybe not well, but if I have anything to say about it you will.

His words hold so much promise, the thought sending a thrill right through me, causing me to squirm a little in my seat.

Me:Is that so? What if I don’t like you once I know you?

I hold my breath as I watch the dots bounce across the screen, stop, and then start again seconds later.

Hudson:You liked me just fine five years ago.

The memory of our night together hits me like a hammer, pounding into me.

Me:Liked being the operative word.

Hudson:You wound me, Luscious Lennon.

Me:To be fair, I didn’t really know you five years ago. One night hardly classifies knowing someone.

Hudson:Well now’s the perfect time to remedy that.

Me:And if it turns out I really don’t like you? What then?

Hudson:Oh, you’ll like me just fine.

I read over his last message several times, knowing with complete certainty that he’s right. I more than liked him during our night together. Hell, the days following that night I almost swore I had fallen for him.

It was ludacris, of course. Who falls in love with someone they just met? Then again, deep in my chest, whether I want to admit it or not, Hudson really did take a piece of me with him after that night. A piece, no matter how hard I’ve tried, I couldn’t seem to get back.

My phone signals another text message, pulling me from my thoughts.

Hudson:Meet me at Mimi’s around noon?

Me:And Mimi’s is where exactly?

Hudson:Just off the main strip. I’ll text you the address in the morning.

Me:Okay. Sounds like a plan.

My fingers hover over the screen as I fight the urge to type more.

“Lennon, did you hear me?” I look up to see Starr turned backward in the seat in front of me, an annoyed look on her face.

“Sorry, what?” I quickly lock my phone and drop it onto the seat next to me.

“I asked if you were going to tell me what happened withtheHudson James,” she repeats the question I didn’t hear the first time around.