Page 27 of Tequila Haze

“Tequila Haze?” I question. “It’s about our night together, isn’t it?” I ask, hoping I don’t sound too presumptuous.

He doesn’t confirm or deny but by the smile on his face I’d say I hit the nail on the head.

“Cell.” He holds his hand out.

It takes a second to realize what he’s asking for, but once I do I quickly pull the device out of my back pocket and drop it into his hand.

He swipes across the screen and a few seconds later his phone chirps in his pocket.

“There,” he says, ending the call. “Now I have your number. You know, in case you lose mine again.” He steps directly into me, reaching around to slide my cell phone back into my jeans. His breath is hot on the side of my neck, sending a full body tremor right through me.

“I told you that you were song worthy,” he says seconds before his lips kiss the soft spot beneath my ear. “Tomorrow,” he confirms, pulling back to meet my gaze.

“Tomorrow,” I barely get the word out, my heart beating so hard and fast I swear there’s no way he can’t hear it.

“Goodnight, Luscious Lennon.” He winks before spinning on his heel and quickly walking away.

I smile, not able to tear my eyes off of him until he turns at the end of the hall and disappears around the corner.

“You ready?” Colton reappears out of nowhere, causing me to jump at his voice. I’d still been staring at the spot I last saw Hudson at and hadn’t heard him approach.

“Hey. Crap you scared me.” I clench my chest.

“Sorry. I kinda snuck up on ya there, didn’t I? Hudson wanted me to take you back to your friends.”

“You don’t have to do that. I can find my way,” I say, giving him a friendly smile before turning.

“I want to,” he insists, matching my stride as I head back down the tunnel we entered through. “Everybody always gets so up in arms over going backstage but I gotta tell ya, nothing beats being out in the crowd.”

“Unless you’ve been out there for hours blistering in the sun.”

“Yeah, about that.” He presses his finger on my shoulder, watching the bright red skin turn white for a split second before going red again.

“Yeah, I’m aware.”

“It’s called sunscreen,” he teases.

“It’s called fair skin,” I retort. “This is after applying sunscreen nearly every hour.” I pull the small, near empty tube from my pocket, proving my point.

“Wow.” He laughs, shaking his head.

“Right.” I shove the tube back in my front pocket as we reach the gate. “Well, thanks for walking with me. I’m not sure how exactly I’m going to get back up there.” I gesture toward the people closest to the stage.

“Flash your backstage pass. They’ll think you’re someone worth moving for.” He winks when he catches my playfully offended expression.

“You know what, I think I just might do that.” I flip my ponytail as I step past him, turning after I pass the guard. “It was good seeing you again, Colton.” I give him a smile.

“It was good seeing you too, Lennon. Tell Emma I say hello.”

“Will do.” I throw up a half wave and quickly walk away without looking back.