Page 14 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Three

After two very intenserounds of lovemaking, Hudson and I have spent the last hour lying in my bed talking. At almost six in the morning, it’s clear that neither of us is ready to close the book on this incredible night.

Emma and Colton came in sometime during round two, but I was too preoccupied to really note the time. Considering the condo has been pretty silent since, I’m guessing they crashed quickly. Emma doesn’t have it in her to be quiet during, well,you know. We’ve lived together long enough that I know how loud she gets. Although I think tonight I may have given her a run for her money in the noise department.

I can’t remember a time where a sexual experience has felt anything like this. I mean yes, I’ve had good sex and even better orgasms but nothing like tonight. Hudson took my body to a place even I didn’t know it could go.

“So you’re a songwriter.” It’s not a question but a statement.

Running my fingers slowly through Hudson’s incredible hair, I smile when he hums against my stomach where his head is currently resting.

“And you get your inspiration from experiences, yes?”

“Experiences, people, the way things make me feel.” His hand slides across my lower belly. “I get inspiration from a lot of places.”

“So how’d I do?” I question, smiling when he lifts his head and cocks it in my direction.

“How’d you do?” he repeats, shifting so he’s lying next to me rather than on me.

“Yeah.” I reach out, shoving a piece of hair out of his face before my hand slides down his jaw, my nails lightly scratching across his short facial hair. “Was I song worthy?” I smile when he takes my hand from his face and turns it upward, laying a sweet kiss to my palm.

“Song worthy.” He chuckles, releasing my hand as he props up on an elbow. His face is barely visible in the darkness of the room but I see the smile playing on his full lips. “You’re funny,” he observes.

“I’m glad I amuse you.” I shove playfully at his shoulder.

“You do more than just amuse me.” He rolls toward me, pinning me between his hard, lean body and the bed.

He nips at my bottom lip before his mouth closes over mine. And that is where the conversation ends.

We make love until the bright morning sun leaks through my bedroom window, then I fall asleep cocooned in Hudson’s arms–thinking there is no place on this earth that has felt more right.


“Wake up sleepy head,” Emma says seconds before the bed dips beneath her weight.

I peel an eye open, spotting her next to me, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand.

“I thought you might need this.” She smiles, waiting until I sluggishly prop myself up against the headboard before sliding the warm mug into my hand.

“Thank you. What time is it?” I ask, taking a tentative sip of the black liquid.

“Just after eleven. From the sound of it I’m gauging you didn’t fall asleep until after five.” She gives me a knowing smirk.

“Try more like seven.” I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face or the warmth that seeps through my chest at the thought of Hudson. I also can’t help the way my smile slips when I realize he’s not in the bed next to me.

“They left about an hour ago. Hudson wouldn’t let me wake you, but he did leave you this.” She holds up a small folded piece of paper.

I instantly snag it out of her hand, depositing my coffee on the bed side table before quickly opening it. My eyes scan the slanted letters of Hudson’s handwriting, my smile reappearing at the sight of his words.


Totally song worthy.

You better call.


Below his name he had written his phone number with a heart next to it. My smile grew wider, thinking how drawing a heart on a little note did not seem like Hudson’s style and yet it’s totally him all at the same time. Sweet and understated.