Page 105 of Tequila Haze

Chapter Twenty-eight


I’m startled awakeby a gentle nudge to my shoulder. Straightening, I look around confused and disoriented, before meeting Colton’s soft gaze.

“Hey.” He settles into the chair next to me.

“Hey.” I rub my eyes, trying to pinpoint exactly where I am. “What time is it?”

“Just after four in the morning.”

“I must of dozed off.”

The events of the night before seem to catch up to me in a flash and I look around again, taking in the drab interior of the local police department.

“Hudson?” I ask, my stomach instantly knotting.

“He’s okay.” He reassures with a soft hand to the back of my neck.

“The label sent over an attorney. He should have a hearing sometime in the morning. I’m sure they’ll take care of everything.”

“I don’t know what happened,” I admit. “I’ve never seen Hudson like that. Makes me wonder if I really know him,” I admit, staring down at my hands that are knotted in my lap.

“You do, Lennon.” Colton takes my hand in a way that feels almost protective. “Don’t judge him based on this one incident. I’m sure it wasn’t a pretty thing to witness and based on how you look, I’m guessing that it scared the shit out of you, and I get that. But Hudson is still the same guy. He saw someone he thought was hurting you and he reacted.”

“I tried telling them that. I tried telling them he was just protecting me.”

“I know. You did what you could and I’m sure in the long run your statement will help him.”

“This is my fault.”

“It isn’t. Hudson made his own choice and he’s going to have to deal with that. This isn’t on you, Lennon.” He pauses. “Why don’t we get out of here?” He stands, looking down at me when I make no attempt to move.

“I’m not going anywhere until I see him.”

“Lennon.” He holds his hand out to me.

“No, Colton. I have to see him,” I insist, crossing my arms over my chest.

He gives me a sad smile before crouching down so he’s eye level with me.

“Babe, he’s going to be here all night. You’re not doing either of you a bit of good sitting in this station. I promised Hudson I’d make sure you got home safe and I plan to do just that. Now get up. I’m taking you home.”

I open my mouth to argue but snap it closed, noticing how exhausted Colton looks.

Only then do I realize that he’s likely been up all night to get here. I know that because it’s exactly what Emma would do for me if I were in the same position.

“Okay,” I concede, allowing Colton to pull me to my feet and guide me out of the police station.


Idon’t sleep well. Completely unable to shut my mind off or block out the vision of Gage’s face every time Hudson’s fist connected with it.

No matter how much I wish Gage would go away, I never wanted to see him hurt like that. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it and even sicker that I’m more worried about Hudson when he was the one that did it to him.

By nine a.m., I’m up, showered, and ready to head to the courthouse. I was able to confirm that Hudson’s hearing is set for ten and I have every intention of being there when he walks in so I want to get there early.

When I make my way into the living room, Colton is awake, and like me he doesn’t appear to have gotten much sleep.