“He sleeping?” Tess appears in the hallway just as I step out of Jackson’s room.
“Yeah,” I whisper. “Poor guy was exhausted.”
“Lots of excitement today.” She grins. “I’m gonna use the bathroom, and I’ll be back out.”
“Okay,” I acknowledge, turning toward the living room.
“Hey, Bree.” Tess’ hand closes down around my arm before I can even take one step, pulling my gaze back to her.
“Are you going to tell her?” She doesn’t need to elaborate for me to know who and what she’s referring to.
“I don’t think now is the best time.”
“There isn’t going to be a good time.” She gives me a sad smile, releasing my arm. “You’re just going to have to do it.”
“I know. I will. But she just got here, and I don’t want to ruin our night talking about something that can wait until tomorrow.”
“I understand. But you need to tell her while she’s here. The longer you keep it from her, the worse it will be.”
“I know.” I hate how agitated I sound, but I can’t help it—I am agitated.
I know what I have to do, and I know how hard it’s going to be. Truth be told, I haven’t a hundred percent decided if I’m even going to go through with it. While yes, I want to be with Ant, I will step back if I think Courtney is still interested, and I mean in more than just a hookup.
“I don’t mean to push.” Tess pushes open the bathroom door, stopping just inside the door frame. “I’m just trying to do what’s right by both of you.”
“I know.” I force a smile, letting out a long breath the second the bathroom door closes, leaving me alone in the dim hallway with a million things swirling through my head.
I can’t be angry with Tess for insisting I talk to Court. I know what a horrible position I’ve put her in, stuck in the middle of a secret between her two best friends; it can’t be easy for her. But I also have to think about the bigger picture too. I can’t rush in guns blazing. I need to ease my way in, feel Courtney out.
Court is curled up on the couch when I enter the living room. She looks up from her cell phone when she hears me enter.
“Took you long enough.” She huffs playfully.
“Sorry. He should sleep the rest of the night.” I plop down in the armchair directly across from her.
“Do not apologize to me,” she scolds. “I was just giving you shit.” She glances back down at her phone, types something on the screen and then drops it on the coffee table. “I still can’t get over how big my little man has gotten. And Kindergarten, I can’t believe he’s getting ready to start school.”
“I know,” I agree, more than a little nervous that in less than two weeks Jackson will be starting his first year of real school.
“Just think, we were only two years older than him when we all became friends.” She makes a circular motion with her hand just as Tess enters the room. “That’s seriously hard to wrap my head around.”
“What are we talking about?” Tess questions, taking the spot on the couch opposite Court.
“That Jackson is only two years younger than we were when we became friends,” Court repeats.
“That really is pretty crazy when you think about it,” Tess agrees. “God, has it really been that long?”
“Feels like forever, doesn’t it? I can’t remember a time without you girls in my life.” Court smiles, leaning forward to retrieve her glass of wine from the table in front of her.
“Me either,” I agree.
“I feel like we’ve been through so much together,” Court continues.
“Probably because we have.” Tess chuckles. “Fights, break-ups, first loves, parent divorces, death; you name it, we’ve experienced it together.”
“I swear I would kill for you girls.” Court looks from Tess to me and then back to Tess. “Like straight slit a throat if I had to.” She grins.
“I could totally see that.” Tess nods, smile wide.