“It’s for the best.” I snag her hand, giving it a squeeze. “He’s lucky he’s not dead or in jail for putting his hands on you.”

“I still don’t know what the hell I was thinking.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t think I’d ever be that girl. It’s funny how certain things can bring everything into perspective. I remember the first time it happened. He was drinking, got mad at me over something stupid, and ended up pushing me into a wall. He apologized afterward, promised he’d never touch me like that again. But then he did. It kept getting worse with each time that it would happen until eventually, I had lost all control over the situation. I knew I shouldn’t, but every time he asked for forgiveness I granted it. I guess I just kept hoping he would stop because deep down I really thought I loved him.”

“And now?” I ask.

“Now I know that what we had wasn’t love. I’ve finally accepted that I can’t bury my past by sabotaging my future. At least not anymore.” She rubs her hand across her belly. “I can’t change what happened to me when I was younger, but I can make the choice not to let it define me.”

“I’m so proud of you,” I speak the truth, amazed by how much Bree has changed over the past few months. It’s almost like she’s a completely different person with all my favorite parts of her still intact.

“It’s crazy how much we’ve all been through together,” Courtney adds, the moment seeming to catch up with her. “I can’t believe this is the last time the three of us will be together like this. God, we’ve been inseparable since grade school, and now here we are on the cusp of adulthood.”

“You still have senior year,” Bree reminds her. “And you and Tess are going to be just fine without me. Besides, we can video chat all the time, and you’ll be right there with me through it all.” She picks my hand up and then grabs Courtney’s, her eyes going back and forth between the two of us. “I love you girls so much.”

“Me, too.” I fight back the swell of emotion in my chest.

“Oh my god, stop already.” Courtney pulls her hand back and swipes at her eyes. “I don’t want to spend tonight crying.” She quickly climbs to her feet.

“Then what do you want to do?” I ask, looking up at her.

“I want to…” She looks around the room, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth when she spots my wireless speaker on my desk. “Dance.” Her smile widens as she pulls out her phone and turns the Bluetooth on.

“Dance?” Bree snorts. “Will you look at me?” She gestures to her belly.

“You’re pregnant, not dead. Now get your ass up.” Court laughs, taking Bree’s hand and pulling her to her feet. “It’s prom after all. And what is prom without a little dancing.”

Shaking my head, I manage to stand without swaying too much, not realizing just how affected I am by the vodka until now.

It’s only seconds before some bubble gum pop song starts blaring from the speaker, and the instant it does we all three take one long moment to look at each other. It’s like we’re seeing how long the others can stay still before finally giving into to the ridiculously upbeat tune. Court breaks first, and before long we’re all jumping and twirling around my bedroom like we don’t have a care in the world.

This is exactly what I needed—to laugh, to dance, to remember what if feels like to just be one of the girls. And while Sebastian is never far from my mind, it’s the first time in almost two weeks that I think maybe, just maybe, I can find the strength to get through this.