“I know, but I want to hear it again.” She smiles dreamily at me. “It’s not every day that the school’s hottest guy confesses his love to one of my best friends. I need to bottle this shit up so I can revisit it for years to come. It’s like a fucking fairy-tale.”

I laugh. Only Courtney would pair the wordfuckingandfairy-taletogether in the same sentence.

“It kind of was like a fairy-tale,” I admit, pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

“Oh my god, look at that smile.” Courtney nudges Bree who seems a bit off tonight. “I give it another week and our girl will finally join the land of non-virginity.” She bounces excitedly, shaking the entire bed.

“One step at a time.” I laugh, not bothering to tell them that it’s been on my mind a lot here recently—especially after the things Sebastian said to me this past Monday.

“I don’t know what you’re waiting for,” Bree finally chimes in, seeming to snap out of her fog a bit. “It’s just sex.”

“Not everyone is quite as casual about it, though,” I remind her, knowing Bree and I are on opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to anything sex related.

While she uses sex as a way to feel connected to another person, I’d rather share a deeper connection than physical before giving that part of myself. Call me old fashioned, but I think you should love the person you’resleepingwith.

I know a lot of it has to do with Bree’s past. She was sexually abused at a very young age, and I know that will stay with her for the rest of her life. I just wish there was a way to show her that she’s worth more.

“Whatever, I’m with Bree,” Court interjects, and the two high-five. “You just need to do it already.”

“I will—eventually. I’m not in any rush and neither is Sebastian.”

“Look, I’m sure he’s telling you that, but do you really think that’s the hundred percent truth? I mean, he is a guy after all.”

“Well considering if it wasn’t for him we would’ve already had sex, I’d say yes, he’s a hundred percent,” I blurt, wishing I could take it back the moment it leaves my lips.

“Wait, what?” Courtney’s smile spreads. “You mean to tell me you’ve been willing to and he wouldn’t?”

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” I huff. “I got a little carried away the night, well, you know…”

“When he flipped your bean.” Bree’s choice of words makes my stomach coil a little.

“Yes, that.” I clear my throat. “Well, I might have asked for it—a few times—but he insisted I wasn’t ready and has since refused to take the next step until he believes I am.”

“Wow.” Court sits back against the headboard, arms crossing over her chest as she considers my statement.

“Wow, what?” I ask after several seconds.

“Just wow.” She continues to smile at me. “You’ve got that boy wrapped around your little finger, Tess. I’m not gonna lie, I thought his whole love confession might have something to do with wanting to get you into bed sooner, but learning you were already willing and he’s making you wait.” She shakes her head. “I’m kind of impressed.”

“Um, okay.” I chuckle, not really sure how to respond to that.

“I mean, Ant has talked about Sebastian’s ways, and I gotta say the guy he described is nothing like the person he seems to be when he’s with you. Kinda makes me jealous. I wish Anthony loved me enough to change for me.”

“Y’all have made it official. That’s something,” I offer, ignoring my need to ask what kind of things Ant has said about Sebastian.

I think it’s better that I don’t open that can of worms. I trust Sebastian, and I trust what we share. I don’t need to make something out of nothing.

“Yeah, I guess.” She shrugs, picking at a string on her pants.

“What about you and Blake?” I turn my attention to Bree who seems to have retreated into wherever she’s been most of the evening.

I don’t miss the brief look of something dark that crosses her face before her easy smile falls back into place.

“We’re good.” She doesn’t offer anything else.

“Just good, huh?” Court snorts. “Considering he never lets you out of his sight, I’d say he’s either really into youorreally possessive. My vote is for the latter. If you ask me, I think he’s kind of scary.”

“He has a temper, and he’s kind of an ass.” Bree brushes off Courtney’s comment. “But he’s only like that around other people. When it’s just us, he’s good.”