“Well, I don’t want your apology,” I say through clenched teeth.

“So what then, you’re just going to walk away from everything we hadfor him.” He points down the hall at nothing in particular.

“I’m walking away for me. Because I deserve better than you, Dylan.” I don’t miss the way his eyes widen like I’ve just slapped him right across the face.

I wish I was that kind of person because slapping him is exactly what I want to do right now. Why can’t he just leave me alone?

“Just wait—I give it two weeks and you’ll be crawling back,” he warns. “You think things are going to end differently with a guy like him. Good fucking luck. When he fucks you and then dumps you, don’t come crying to me. This is the only chance I’m going to give you.”

“Thanks, but no thanks.” I give him the biggest ‘fuck you’ smile I can muster before spinning on my heel and storming off down the hallway.

By the time I reach the parking lot, my hands are shaking and the adrenaline of what just happened seems to catch up to me. I’m so mad I swear fumes are going to start shooting straight out of my ears.

The nerve of him—does he really know so little about me that he thought he could intimidate me into getting back together with him?

I want to scream so bad that it feels like my chest is going to explode.

“Tess.” I vaguely hear my name, but I’m too far gone to care. “Tess.” I hear again but I keep walking, my face straight ahead just needing to get the hell away from everything and everyone before I lose it.

Don’t do it, Tess.

Don’t you dare cry.

Even as I think it the tears are already forming and spilling down my cheeks within seconds. I veer left, leaving the school parking lot on foot with every intention of walking home, but then I hear his voice again—Sebastian—seconds before his hand closes down on my shoulder and eases me to a stop.

“Tess.” He hesitantly steps around me, tipping my face upward when I refuse to look at him. “Tess. What the hell is going on?” he questions, his voice full of concern.

“I just need you to leave me alone, Sebastian.” I refuse to meet his gaze.

“What happened?” he repeats, this time his voice taking on a hard edge.

“You happened,” I snap, directing my anger at the completely wrong person. “You, and your bullshit happened. It’s been a week and already I’ve been talked about, laughed at, and ridiculed more than I ever have in my entire life.” I throw my hands up, spinning in the opposite direction.

Sebastian is back in front of me within seconds, his forehead drawn together in concern.

“What you mean? You haven’t said anything.” He once again tips my chin up when I try not to look at him.

If I’m being honest, it’s because I’m ashamed. He’s the last person who deserves my anger and yet here I am, placing all the blame on him when in reality he’s one of the best things in my life right now.

“Because I don’t like playing these stupid games.” I swipe angrily at my tears. “Are you aware that I’ve been told at least ten times since Monday that you’re only hanging out with me because I’m a challenge? That once you sleep with me you’ll never speak to me again.”

“Who’s saying that?”

“Everyone’s saying it.” I cross my arms defensively in front of myself.

“Have I given you any reason to believe that’s what my intentions are?” he asks, his voice so soft it makes it hard to not break into another fit of tears.

“No, then again, you really haven’t said anything to me at all,” I argue for no reason other than just to argue.

“Have myactionssaid to you that’s what I’m after—to get you into my bed?” He reaches out, tucking my hair behind my ear. “Because if that’s the case, tell me now. I never want you to feel like I expect something from you, Tess. I don’t. I just like being around you. People talk, who gives a shit. At the end of the day, it doesn’t change anything between us.” His hand lingers on my jaw. “You can’t control everything and everyone around you. You have to learn to let go a little.”

“That’s easy for you to say.” I push past the rush of heat his touch causes. “Not everything is so easy, Sebastian. Maybe it is for you, but it’s not for me. You’ve probably never had to work for anything a day in your life. Some of us don’t have the luxury of just going with the flow.”

“What are you saying, Tess?” he questions. “That you don’t want to hang out with me because it’s too hard?”

“Look, this was fun, but I need to refocus. I can’t afford this distraction. I can’t be listening to people snicker behind me because they don’t think I’m good enough for you when I should be paying attention to the teacher. I can’t afford to be late for class because I’m hiding in the bathroom stall waiting for the girls who are talking about me to leave. And I can’t continue to have my ex-boyfriend causing scenes in the middle of the hallway because he’s now convinced himself we should get back together. I just—it’s too much, Sebastian.”

“Wait, causing scenes how?” He ignores everything else I said and hones in on the Dylan thing.