“Sebastian, please.” My voice shakes, and I can already feel tears stinging the back of my eyes.

“The guy, is it serious?” He cuts me off.

“I mean, yeah, I guess it is.” I sniff.

“Do you love him?”

“I think so.” It takes me a long moment to force the words out. Why is it so hard to say what just an hour ago I thought I felt.

“You think so or you know so?” He crosses his arms in front of his broad chest.

“I mean, it’s still pretty new.”

“But you’re going on a trip with him?” He continues to pound questions at me.

“We’re going to spend two weeks in North Carolina with his family,” I admit, guilt swarming me from every side.

Why the hell do I feel so damn guilty?

“So you’re going to stay with his family for two full weeks, and you can’t even tell me for sure if you love the guy?” He cocks a brow, frustration etched in every feature of his face.

“I mean, I do love him. It’s just…”

“It’s just what, Tess?”

“It’s different, the love. It’s different than what you and I had.” He cringes at my use of past tense. “But he makes me happy.”

“Good.” He lets out slowly, clearly battling with what to say next.

“Why are you really here, Sebastian?”

“I told you. I’m here for you.”

“So what then? You just show up after nearly three years and you expect me to drop my life and everything I’ve built here to what—go to California with you?”

“Well, when you put it like that.” He blows out a breath, looking more conflicted with each moment that passes.

“I still have another year of school left. And I have friends here and a…”

“Boyfriend,” he finishes my sentence.

“Yes and a boyfriend,” I snip, letting my emotions get the better of me.

“I guess I didn’t think this all the way through. I think… I mean, I guess I thought…”

“You thought you could just show up here, and we’d just pick right back up where we left off. God, Sebastian. Look at us. It’s been three years and yet were still doing this same old song and dance. Maybe you’ve graduated and are ready to start the next journey of your life, but I’m not. My life is here. Nothing has changed for me. So unless you’re here to tell me that you’re moving to New York then we have nothing left to discuss.”

“Would you leave him, your boyfriend I mean? If I were to move here, would you leave him and be with me?”

“Are you moving to New York?” I challenge, leaning back in my chair on a sigh when he doesn’t answer right away. “That’s what I thought.”

“Fuck,” he growls, pushing his chair back so it skids across the floor as he stands. “I shouldn’t have come here.”

And just like that he turns and storms out of the coffee shop, walking away from me yet again.