“What the fuck, Tess,” he repeats again as he rips his hand out of my grasp.

“Give me the keys, Sebastian,” I seethe, doing everything in my power to pull his arm down so I can reach his hand.

“Get the hell off me,” he growls, attempting to climb into the Jeep.

“You are not going anywhere right now.” I practically crawl into his lap, still fighting to get the keys away from him.

“The fuck if I’m not.” He lets out a roar before he’s lifting me in the air and depositing me on the street in one swift movement.

I don’t even know how he manages it. One minute I’m halfway inside the Jeep, the next I’m far enough away that he’s able to swing the door shut without hitting me with it. I immediately make a move to open it again, but Sebastian quickly locks it seconds before the engine purrs to life.

“Sebastian.” I beat on the driver’s side window. “Please don’t do this. Please,” I plead, knowing half the neighborhood can probably hear me right now.

Running to the other side of the car, I manage to get the passenger side door open just as he pops the Jeep into drive. Realizing his mistake of not locking all the doors, he slams the vehicle back into park and turns his blazing glare on me.

“Get the fuck out of the car, Tess,” he practically screams in my face.

I’m a little taken aback by the way he comes at me but quickly retaliate.

“NO!” I yell back twice as loud. “I’m not going to let you do this. I’m not going to let you push me away because of some fight you had with your father. Newsflash—I AM NOT YOUR FATHER. I don’t give a shit what he says about you, Sebastian. None of it is true. Do you hear me? None of it.”

“Please, Tess. Just get out of the car. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Then tell me, Sebastian. Just talk to me.”

“I can’t!” His temper starts to slip. “Don’t you see that! You would never understand.”

“Why? Because I don’t have a father,” I bite, knowing full well that’s not what he meant but letting my emotions get the better of me.

“Exactly, Tess.” He throws his hands up in exasperation. “Because you don’t have a father.” His tone drips with sarcasm. “Just get the fuck out of the car so I can leave before I say something I can’t take back.”

“What? Say it. Say what it is you want to say, Sebastian,” I press on, knowing I shouldn’t, but I’m unable to stop myself.

This situation is spiraling out of control, and honestly, I have no explanation for why it even started to begin with. We’ve argued before, of course, but we’ve never fought like this. Nowhere even close to it. In fact, until tonight, I can’t remember a time when Sebastian has even raised his voice at me, let alone yelled right in my face.

A part of me knows it’s the alcohol talking, but it’s impossible not to take every single word and action as a slice to my heart. This is notmySebastian. This is not the boy who just yesterday looked at me like I was the only thing in the world he could see.

I have no idea who this person is, and that thought scares me more than anything else.

“Get out of the car, Tess,” he demands again.

“I am not letting you drive like this. If I have to sit in this car all night I will, but I refuse to let you risk your life or someone else’s because you insist on behaving like a lunatic. Grow up, Sebastian!”

“Tess,” he warns, his voice low, “so help me if you don’t get the fuck out of this car right now…”

“What, Sebastian?” I cut him off. “What could you possibly do to me that’s worse than what you’re doing right now? Do you even hear yourself?”

“Get. Out. Of. The. Fucking. Car. Tess.” He punctuates each word.

“No,” I repeat in the same tone.

“Then you leave me no fucking choice.” With that, he pops the Jeep into drive and takes off like a bat out of hell.

I scramble to get my seat belt on, not for even one second considering that he would drive away with me still in the car. It just goes to show he’s way beyond the point of talking down. It’s clear he’s not in his right mind, not even a little bit. I know deep down Sebastian would never put me in danger, but the fact that he’s now speeding through town so drunk he can’t keep the Jeep in his own lane tells me I made a huge mistake in thinking I could controlthisSebastian.

“Please pull over, Sebastian. Please!” I plead, hanging on to the door when he takes a corner too fast and nearly flips us. I can feel the passenger side wheels come up off the ground seconds before they slam back down, causing the vehicle to bounce.

“Sebastian!” I scream, panic starting to set in.