“Everywhere,” he confirms, hoisting me up into his arms.

I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, unable to resist the urge to grind downward when I feel how hard he is against me. A stiff groan escapes his mouth, and I swear it’s the hottest sound I’ve ever heard.

“I’ve never wanted to lose a bet more than I do this one.” I smile, claiming his mouth once more.

It isn’t long until things have gotten pretty hot and heavy. Sebastian has me pinned against the wall in the formal sitting room, working hot kisses down the side of my neck when the sound of the doorbell echoes through the large house.

We both freeze, panting like we’ve just finished a marathon.

“Fuck!” Sebastian curses, slowly sliding me down his body until my feet are back on solid ground.

“How about you go splash some cold water…” I let my eyes travel down to his very clear erection, “…on your face,” I continue with a slow grin. “And I’ll get the door.”

“Probably a good idea.” He looks down and then back up at me knowingly.

“To be continued?” I offer.

“Fuck, yes.” He kisses me once more before hightailing it toward the bathroom.

Taking a few deep breaths, I straighten my sweatshirt and make sure everything is covered before making my way into the foyer to let in the first arriving guests.


This party is so very different from the first one I attended at Sebastian’s house back in August. I mean, the atmosphere is very similar with the addition to the costumes everyone is wearing, but there is a certain belonging I feel now that I didn’t have the last time.

Sebastian is a social butterfly, rather than hiding out on the balcony upstairs he’s working every angle of the room, always keeping me close beside him.

I smile freely and don’t even bother looking over my shoulder. Knowing I don’t have to worry about running into Dylan offers more relief than I thought it would, considering there’s no way he would have the balls to show up here after what transpired a few weeks ago. I mean, unless he wants to repeat said events, which I doubt.

The night goes by smoothly, and I even find myself partaking in a little bit of drinking. It feels good to let loose a little and be an ordinary teenager. I know Sebastian’s got me, and the thought makes me feel safer than I ever thought possible.

Just after midnight, I decide to go in search of Bree, wanting to get a picture of me, her, and Courtney together before Court and Ant call it a night—and by calling it a night I mean disappear upstairs.

I look all over the first floor and out back but can’t find her anywhere. I decide to try my luck upstairs, humming happily to myself as I climb the back stairwell. I didn’t realize how buzzed I had become until just now, and I can’t help but giggle at myself when I stumble at the top of the steps.

My bubbling, drunk happiness quickly dies off though when I catch sight of Bree on the ground, tears streaming down her face as Blake hovers over her.

“What the fuck?” I blurt, my eyes bouncing back and forth between Blake and Bree.

“Tess.” Bree quickly climbs to her feet, trying to wipe away the mascara streaked down her face.

“What the fuck?” I say louder, not paying any mind to my choice in language. Right now,fuckis the only word that seems appropriate.

“It’s nothing,” Bree quickly tries to explain. “I just fell. I’ve had too much to drink.” When she steps toward me I can see the red welt across the left side of her face, and my entire stomach bottoms out.

“You fell or he hit you?” I grind out, my hands clenching at my sides.

“What?” Bree tries to act confused by my question, but I can see the truth in her eyes. That asshole put his hands on my best friend.

“Why don’t you go back downstairs, Tess. This isn’t any of your business.” Blake steps in front of me, blocking my view of Bree.

“None of my business?” I question, shock turning into anger. “None of my business?” My voice intensifies tenfold. “You hit my friend, and you’re telling me it’s none of my business.” I practically scream in his face, my heels allowing me to stand nearly nose to nose with him.

“I said, go the fuck downstairs, Tess.” His voice is laced in warning, and he puffs his broad chest out like that’s somehow going to scare me into leaving him here alone with Bree.

“No,” I challenge, not planning to go anywhere. “Bree, go, now.” I meet her gaze over Blake’s shoulder.

“Tess.” She’s crying harder now, swiping angrily at her tears. “Please.”