“I promise.” He grabs my chin between his thumb and index finger and guides my lips back to his, kissing me slow and lazily like neither of us have anywhere we need to be.

“I’m gonna be late for school,” I whine, finally managing to pull myself away from his intoxicating mouth.

“Fine.” He secures the keys to his Jeep in my hand. “Can I come by again tonight?” he asks, not letting my hand go until I shake my head yes.

“Mom goes to work at six. You can come see me and Jessie any time after that.” I smile, kissing him one last time before quickly exiting the car, knowing if I don’t do it soon I may never leave.

“Tess.” Sebastian rolls down the window and hollers after me just as I reach the other side of the street. “Make sure to miss me today.”

“I already do,” I call back, the happiness that spreads across his face at my words damn near knocking the wind out of me.

I’ve got it so bad. I can’t even pretend anymore.

Blowing him a kiss, I have to physically force myself to turn back around and keep walking when all I really want to do is run back across the street and never leave his side.

It only takes me about three minutes to make it to the high school building. I spot Jessie, the Jeep, in her normal spot looking as shiny as ever. I have to stop myself from waving at her, sort of feeling like she’s more person than car all of a sudden.

Silently telling her that I’ll see her after school, I tuck the keys in the front pocket of my jeans. In some weird way having them on me makes me feel closer to Sebastian, though I can’t really explain why.


I feel lost most of the day. Even though Sebastian and I have zero classes together, I can feel his absence in every classroom I enter. It’s sad to think that just him being at school has such a huge impact on how I feel.

Lunch was even worse, though I did manage to turn it around about halfway in when I decided to share with Court and Bree a small snippet of last night’s events. I had meant to keep it between the three of us, but that quickly went out the window when Courtney gasped and then loudly said, "You finally had your firstO.”

To say I was embarrassed is the understatement of the year, but luckily only Ant was close enough to hear her, and he seemed just as uncomfortable as I did by her outburst.

I have to be honest, I haven’t been a big Anthony fan since him and Courtney started hanging out, but I think he might actually be managing to grow on me a bit. I mean, if Sebastian likes him how can I not?

Stopping by my locker on my way to sixth period, I check my phone for the hundredth time today, an immense relief washing over me when I see I have a message from Sebastian.

Sebastian: By the time this week is over I’m going to be a master at answering phones and scheduling appointments. You wouldn’t believe some of the stories I’ve heard today. No wonder lawyers are in such high demand.

Me: Sounds like your day isn’t as bad as you thought???

Sebastian: Oh no, it still sucks. But thinking of you makes it a hell of a lot better.

Me: I miss you.

Sebastian: I miss you—and my new… friend. I think she likes me.

I laugh out loud, covering my mouth to muffle the sound as my classmates pass by with no knowledge of the slow burn that has suddenly erupted in my lower belly.

Me: Your friend? Is that what you’re calling her?

Sebastian: Well I’d call her something else, but I have a feeling even using the word friend has that cute blush spreading across your cheeks. Tell me I’m wrong.

I smile, knowing if I looked in the mirror right now my face would be beet red.

Me: I can’t, that would be lying.

Sebastian: I knew it!

Me: No one likes a gloater.

Sebastian: You like everything about me.

I’m seconds away from telling him he’s actually right yet again when another message immediately follows.

Sebastian: Shit. Gotta go. My sorry excuse for a father is back in the office, and he doesn’t know I managed to sneak my phone from his study this morning. Ooops.

Me: I hope the rest of your day isn’t awful. I can’t wait to see you later.

Without even meaning to, my fingers type out another message and press send before I can think it through enough to stop myself.

Me: And neither can your new friend ;)

I smile, completely surprised by my own brazen behavior. Stuffing my phone back into my locker, I quickly close it and spin the combination lock before taking off down the hallway, knowing I’m going to have to haul ass if I hope to make it to class on time.