“Starving.” I smile, allowing her to lead me into the kitchen.


“Is he always like that?” Tess speaks after several minutes of silence, her fingers mindlessly tracing circles across my stomach.

“My father?” I question, looking down to where her head is lying against my chest, her tiny frame tucked perfectly against mine.

“The way he talked to you.” She says it almost apologetically, like she’s sorry for even bringing it up again.

It’s almost one in the morning, and neither of us have spoken about what happened today beyond the small discussion when I first arrived. Instead of making me feel worse about everything, she’s actually made it her mission to make me feel better.

After stuffing me full of Chinese food, we snuggled up on the couch and watched reruns ofFamily Guyfor a good three hours, laughing and joking like nothing even happened.

It was just after midnight when we finally made our way to bed. I had every intention of leaving and letting her get some sleep, but Tess insisted I stay and sneak out in the morning. She said she didn’t want to be alone, and truthfully neither did I.

That was over an hour ago and since then we’ve been laying in her bed, limbs tangled together, talking about everything and yet nothing at all at the same time.

“He’s not the easiest man to live with, that’s for sure,” I finally respond after a few long seconds, not really sure what else to say.

“What about your mom?”

“She’s not any better. In fact, she might be a little worse. I mean, she doesn’t yell at me or tell me what a disappointment I am like my father, but sometimes I think her silence says so much more.” I let out a slow breath, not missing the way Tess’ grip on me tightens.

“I’m sorry.” Her voice is so soft I almost don’t hear the words.

“Don’t be.” I continue to run my fingers through her hair as I speak. “It could be worse.”

“How could it be worse?” she asks, looking up at me.

“I could be poor,” I joke, laughing when she lays a hard smack to my chest.

“I can’t believe you just said that.” She squeals when I shift in the bed and she ends up pinned on her back beneath me.

“Would you have preferred I lied to you?” I grin down at her.

“No,” she answers seriously, her breath catching when I slowly lower my face to hers and plant a slow lingering kiss to her mouth.

My body once again stirs to attention, and I’m not the only one who’s aware of it. When I pull back Tess is looking up at me, gaze hooded, her chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” I whisper, hovering inches from her face.

“Show me,” she challenges, and I damn near lose my shit right on the spot.

It would be so easy for me to take her the way I’ve taken countless girls before her, but I can tell by the hesitation she tries to hide that she’s not there yet. And honestly, that’s okay. I mean, it’s fucking torture—don’t get me wrong. But I can’t imagine a sweeter torture than one that I know will end with me getting to claim this girl in a way no one ever has before.

“Not yet.” I kiss her again, grinding myself down on top of her.

“Please,” she whimpers into my mouth.

“Soon, I promise. But not until you’re ready.”

“I am ready,” she huffs, growing frustrated beneath me.

“No, you’re not,” I reassure her, trying to stay strong for both of us. “And I’m not going to lose you because you felt rushed into something you weren’t ready for.”

“You’re not going to lose me. I want this, Sebastian. I want you.”

“God, you’re killing me right now.” I take a deep breath trying to hold my composure. “Let me ask you something.” I hesitate for a brief moment before trailing my hand down the side of her petite body, stopping on her hip. “How far have you gone before?”