“Do you have any idea how bad this looks to colleges? You’re not a fucking child. Why would you do something so stupid?”

In the entire time he’s been in there, I have yet to hear Sebastian say one word. Either his responses are quiet or he simply isn’t answering, which one it is I’m not sure.

Bree sits next to me, her hand wrapped around mine. She squeezes a little tighter every time Sebastian’s father speaks, like somehow that’s going to make it better.

My stomach has been twisted in the same ugly knot since everything happened and seems to get harder and harder with each minute that passes.

I tried to talk to Ms. Shamin, the vice principal, to tell her what happened, but she wasn’t interested in hearing what I had to say. According to her, Sebastian attacked Dylan unprovoked and would receive the punishment the principal felt appropriate.

Dylan, though just as guilty in my mind, was in her office for less than three minutes before he was excused to go home. I didn’t have to ask if he got into trouble too, I already knew he hadn’t, which only makes this whole situation that much worse.

Sebastian’s in there right now getting screamed at and probably suspended—if not kicked off the football team—and here I sit, the one who’s responsible for it all, helpless to do anything.

I jump when the office door swings open without warning and Mr. Baxter comes storming out, his pressed suit tight against his flexed shoulders. Sebastian follows shortly after, his eyes widening when they land on my face. Clearly, he hadn’t expected me to stay.

I stand, seconds away from saying something when Sebastian gives his head a quick shake, as if to tell me not to, before following his father out of the office.

The pressure in my chest constricts my ability to breathe freely, and for a moment I struggle to pull in a breath.

“He’s gonna be okay,” Bree says, standing next to me.

Flipping my gaze toward her, I manage to suck in a deep inhale and let it out slowly.

“Come on, let’s get out of here. There’s nothing more we can do here.” She links her arm through mine and leads me out of the office without another word.

I wish we would’ve waited a few minutes longer because when I look up to see Sebastian following his father down the empty hallway, his head lowered in defeat, I feel like someone has just hit me in the chest with a baseball bat.

It takes everything in me not to run to him. I want to tell him I’m sorry. I want to make sure he’s okay. I want to pull him against me and tell him that nothing his father said is true. But I can’t do any of those things at the risk of just making the situation worse.

So instead of going after them, I allow Bree to lead me in the opposite direction where we exit on the other side of the building.

Courtney pulls up to the curb just as we step outside into the warm afternoon sun. I look at Bree who smiles reassuringly and tugs me toward the car. I don’t have to ask, I know she must have text Courtney and asked her to come back and get us. My two best friends are nothing if not dependable.

The ride home is a bit of a blur. I’m too worried about Sebastian to really participate in the conversation. I only half listen to Bree filling Courtney in on what happened. I offer a yeah or a nod when asked but offer nothing more.

The five-minute drive feels like it takes forever and yet no time at all. All I want to do is call Sebastian but I know that even if I do, he’s not likely to answer.

“Tess, did you hear me?” I register Courtney’s voice, turning my head to where she’s sitting next to me in the driver’s seat.


“Do you want us to come in for a while? Keep you company?” she repeats since clearly, I didn’t hear her the first time.

“No, that’s okay.” I reach for the door handle. “I just wanna be alone right now if that’s okay.”

“Of course.” She nods. “I’ll talk to Ant, see if he hears anything. Let us know as soon as you talk to Sebastian.”

“I will,” I agree, pushing the door open.

“And, Tess.” Court stops me before I even get one leg out of the car. “None of this is your fault. Dylan had an ass beating coming. Don’t beat yourself up over this like I know you probably will.”

“Then why even tell me not to if you already know I’m going to?” I ask, feeling something other than dread and sadness for the first time since this whole situation spiraled out of control.

“Honestly, I have no freaking clue.” She laughs. “Call me later, okay?”

“I will.” I climb out of the car. “And thank you,” I say, turning around just as Bree climbs into the front seat.

“Anytime, you needy bitch.” She gives me a wide smile, her normal demeanor slipping back into place.