He’s pushing me toward my breaking point, and the look on his face tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing. And what’s worse—he’s enjoying watching me come unraveled.

“You’re such a fucking…” It’s all he gets out before a fist comes out of nowhere connecting with Dylan’s jaw, causing his head to snap back.

He falls to the ground, his eyes wide in surprise. It all happens so quickly I barely have time to process any of it.

Sebastian is on top of Dylan in a second, punching him so hard that blood instantly spurts from Dylan’s nose and mouth, staining the concrete below him. He tries to fight back, but Sebastian is too strong, too quick, and Dylan’s efforts are pointless.

I open my mouth, try to tell Sebastian to stop, but I’m not entirely sure any words come out. I can feel eyes on us everywhere, but I can’t seem to make myself move.

Do something, Tess!

“Sebastian.” I finally find my voice, gripping his shoulder in an effort to pull him off of Dylan.

“You motherfucker,” he seethes, laying another hard blow to the side of Dylan’s face.

“Sebastian.” I try again, his entire body tensing this time. He freezes with his fist still extended in the air. “Please stop.”

His face turns toward me, the rage in his eyes softening the moment he registers my face.

“Stop.” I mouth.

He looks at me for another long moment and then looks back down at Dylan who’s holding his nose, trying to control the blood pouring from it.

At first, I think he might hit him again, but instead, he leans down—his voice so low I have to strain to hear it.

“If you even so much as look at Tess again I will fucking kill you. Do you understand me?” He waits until Dylan nods furiously before climbing off him, but the action is too late.

Teachers swarm our position, one swooping down to help Dylan while two others back Sebastian away, telling him to calm down.

I look back and forth between the two of them, wondering how in the hell something so small turned into something this big. Dylan just wanted to talk. I should’ve just said no and walked away. Instead, I stood there and let him get me riled up. I should’ve known he’d intentionally push my buttons.

Then again, I never expected Sebastian to see the altercation, let alone jump in and do something about it. I watch helplessly as the two teachers lead Sebastian back into the school; if I had to guess I’d say he’s headed straight for the principal’s office. He doesn’t look at me even once, disappearing inside seconds later with his head tilted toward the ground.

Dylan is helped to his feet and ushered inside after him; they’ll no doubt take him to the nurse first. His face looks like someone stomped on it with a big combat boot over and over again.

My stomach twists violently as the events seem to catch up with me, and if it weren’t for Bree showing up just at the right moment, I might have lost the contents of my stomach all over the school’s parking lot.

“Are you okay?” She immediately pulls me into her arms.

“You saw?” I tremble in her embrace, the adrenaline pumping through my veins catching up to me.

“I did.” She slides her hand over my hair in a soothing gesture. “What the hell happened?” She finally pulls back, her hands on my shoulders as she looks at me.

“I don’t know,” I answer truthfully. “I don’t even know where Sebastian came from. It was like he appeared out of thin air.” I shake my head, trying to clear the fog. “Dylan was being Dylan, taking jabs at me just because he can. The next thing I know he’s on the ground and Sebastian is on top of him beating the hell out of him.” Tears spill from my eyes, and I swipe at them angrily. “What’s going to happen to him?”

“Sebastian?” Bree questions, continuing when I nod. “He’s probably looking at a few days suspension at least. Probably won’t be allowed to play in the next few games either. Man…” She blows out a breath.

“He won’t be allowed to play?” I question, guilt knocking into me like a round of bullets hitting me in all the right places.

“Let’s just wait and see, okay?” She drops her arm over my shoulder and leads me back toward the school. “Come on. I’ll wait with you.”


“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Sebastian?” His father’s voice practically vibrates the office windows next to where Bree and I are sitting.

I knew who he was the second he entered the room. Tall and broad, like Sebastian, with edged features and the same medium blond hair. But unlike Sebastian—whose eyes are kind and smile is easy—his father is hardened and stern.

I’ve been sitting here for the last thirty minutes waiting to find out what’s going to happen. The second Sebastian’s dad walked in looking like he was ready to kill someone, I knew it was going to be bad. But I never expected to witness him talk to his son the way he is right now.