“Tess.” The second I hear Dylan’s voice behind me my entire body tenses.

It’s been three weeks since our last altercation—the one that resulted in me becoming Sebastian’s girlfriend. And while that day ended way better than it started, that doesn’t mean I’m in any rush to go another round with my ex.

“What do you want, Dylan?” I sigh, shutting my locker before turning toward him.

He’s standing just a couple feet to my right, hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. Normally I might have swooned a little bit at the sight of him; Dylan has always been good looking, but the face that once made my heart beat faster now only makes my stomach turn.

I guess having things put into perspective will do that for you. He may be attractive, but that’s where his pleasantries end. And he has nothing on Sebastian, who always looks like he just stepped out of a magazine.

“I was hoping we could talk.” His voice is soft, hesitant even, and it instantly causes a nervous knot to form in the pit of my stomach.

“About?” I go for annoyance.

I mean, I am annoyed. Annoyed that he can’t just go away and leave me in peace. Annoyed that he waited until I was interested in someone else before even offering a semblance of an apology—which was ruined when he continued to speak. Annoyed that he thinks I owe him anything after everything he put me through.

“Us.” He says it like it should be obvious.

A weird cackle escapes my throat, and I look at Dylan for a long moment, slinging my book bag over my shoulder.

“There is no us, Dylan. Or did you forget that now that Taylor isn’t up your ass?” Even I’m shocked by how smooth the statement leaves my mouth. Normally I’d stutter and stammer, my nerves getting the better of me.

Not anymore… I’m done letting this asshole walk all over me.

Tess—one. Dylan—zero.

Damn, I like this.

“Come on. Don’t be like that.” He wastes no time coming after me when I push past him down the hallway, heading for the exit.

“Be like what, Dylan?” I spit, keeping my gaze focused ahead. “Don’t stand up for myself. Don’t hold a grudge when you completely screwed me over and made me look an idiot. What exactly don’t you want me to be like, Dylan? Huh? Tell me because I sure as hell would like to know,” I hammer out, not stopping until I’ve pushed my way outside, Dylan right on my heels.

“Tess.” He abruptly stops as soon as we reach the parking lot and for whatever reason I find myself stopping with him. “I’m sorry, okay.” His gaze drops to the ground the moment I turn toward him.

“You’re sorry?” The question is riddled with attitude, but I can feel my anger waning. I’ve never been one to stay mad at people.

“I fucked up, Tess. I fucked up bad.” He takes a step toward me and then another, closing the distance between us. “I miss you.”

When he reaches for me I take a full step back, holding my hand out between us.

“You should have thought about that, Dylan.” I stand my ground. “I’m with Sebastian now. And even if I wasn’t, there’s no way I’d ever take you back.”

“He’s just going to hurt you,” he threatens.

“Like you did?” I snarl. “He wouldn’t do that.”

“How the fuck do you know? Just because he’s whispering sweet nothings into your ear doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a hidden agenda. Come on, Tess, open your fucking eyes. He’s using you.”

“Go fuck yourself, Dylan.” I spin back around, done with this whole situation.

I’m so mad that when his hand wraps around my forearm seconds later preventing me from walking away, I have to physically restrain myself from swinging around and hitting him.

“Why the fuck are you so quick to pass judgment on me, and yet you won’t even look at all the shithe’spulled?”

“Because he’s never hurt me,” I grind out, ripping my arm away. “My answer is no, Dylan. I’m not going to give you a second chance. I’m not interested in hearing any more of your half-assed apologies. I’m done. Do you hear me? Done!” I practically scream in his face.

“You fucking bitch. You think he’s so different, do you? Just wait. It’s gonna be an epic fucking show when you finally realize what everyone else already knows—he’s only with you to fuck you.”

“Why do you even care?” I can’t control the tremble in my voice. “My life doesn’t concern you anymore. Leave me alone, Dylan. For the last time, just leave me alone.”