It wouldn’t even have taken us this long if it wasn’t for Courtney insisting she braid the blue and white ribbon into my hair once we arrived. And while I fought her every step of the way, I have to admit that the way she pulled all my hair into a side braid and weaved the ribbon through it looks pretty amazing.
My stomach flutters with nervous energy as we pay and make our way into the bustling stadium. The space is filled with classmates and parents alike, nearly every one of them wearing somethingBlue Devilsrelated.
Okay, so maybe Courtney was right. I may need to invest in some school apparel if this is what my Friday nights are going to look like for the next several weeks.
Court weaves her arm through mine and pulls me toward the bleachers, but instead of going up into the stands like most everyone else, we stop directly in front of them, next to the fence where the cheerleaders are gathering on the track that wraps around the entire field.
“Court,” I say uncomfortably when I catch two cheerleaders specifically giving me a dirty look, one whispering something to the other.
“Don’t worry about those bitches,” she says loud enough for them to hear her. “They’re just jealous because Sebastian wasn’t interested in any of their skanky asses.”
God love Courtney. She’s so unapologetic.
“Oh, don’t worry, honey,” one of the cheerleaders, Sarah Brock, retorts. “I’ve already been there and done that.”
“Awe, good for you. So tell me what happens next? Because clearly, he didn’t care enough about what you were offering to keep you around,” Courtney taunts, slowly raising her middle finger to flip Sarah off.
“Courtney,” I grind out next to her, growing more uncomfortable by the second, “please stop.” I plead under my breath.
“You have to put these catty bitches in their place, Tess. Don’t let them walk all over you just because they’re jealous of what you have.” She says the last part significantly louder than the rest, but Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders have now moved far enough from us that none of them heard her.
“Yeah, I’ll remember that,” I retort. “Where’s Bree anyway?” I ask, swiveling to look behind us.
The stands are packed full of people, but it looks like the majority of students have all congregated on the right side. And boy was Courtney right about what people wear. Tons of people have painted their faces or are wearing handmade shirts and hats in support of the team. Several boys in the front row don’t even have shirts on at all. Instead, their entire torsos are painted blue and each one has a different letter painted across their chest in white so that when they all stand together it readsBLUE DEVILS.
I never knew how into this people got.
“I talked to her a little while ago. She said she was coming with Blake. Oh, oh, here they come.” Courtney pulls my attention back to the field just as the football team erupts from the locker rooms, a blur of blue jerseys as they pass through the banner the cheerleaders are holding.
“Ahhh there’s Ant. God, look how hot.” Courtney sighs next to me, but I’m too preoccupied looking for Sebastian to really pay attention.
It takes only a few seconds to locate him and the moment I do, my heart goes haywire. He looks impossibly sexy in his uniform. I mean, he always looks mouthwatering, but seeing him like this—his broad shoulders accentuated by shoulder pads and his lean waist defined by tight white football pants. I have to use the back of my hand to wipe my mouth in fear that I might actually be drooling.
I watch him run onto the field, his helmet hanging loosely from his fingers as he circles back around and approaches the bench just a few feet down from where we’re standing. Like an electric current that singes every time we’re near each other, he looks up, his eyes finding me instantly.
I watch the smile spread across his face seconds before he’s taking off in my direction. I ignore the glares I know are being thrown my way from the cheerleaders who have reclaimed their position to my right and give Sebastian my full focus.
“You’re here.” He stops directly in front of me, the fence barely reaching his chest whereas I can practically rest my chin against the top.
“Where else would I be?” I giggle when he drops his arms over the fence and pulls me into his chest, my feet leaving the ground.
“Fuck, you look good.” He smiles, kissing me good and hard for the entire stadium to see.
Someone screams, “Go Tessa,” behind us, and I laugh against his mouth.
“Baxter, what do you think you’re doing? Get over here?” Coach Jones hollers.
“Uh oh. Busted.” Sebastian chuckles, pressing his lips to mine once more before gently setting me to my feet. “I’m getting my good luck on, Coach,” he retorts loud enough for the coach to hear him without ever taking his eyes off of me.
“You better get out there, hot shot,” I say, smiling like a damn idiot. I can’t help it. He makes me so happy I swear I feel like I’m going to burst open and rainbows are going to start flying out of me.
“Stay here. That way I can look over here while I’m on the field and see my girl cheering me on.” He tips my chin up with the back of his hand.
“Go. Fight. Win,” I say playfully, waving an imaginary pompom in my hand.
The way he smiles at me does more than just make my knees go weak—
it makes my entire body tremble. If melting were a thing, I promise I would be a puddle right now. Nothing can describe how it feels to have someone like Sebastian Baxter look at you the way he’s looking at me right now.
“Dinner after?” he asks, backing away from the fence.
“You’re buying,” I call back, blowing him a kiss just seconds before he takes off toward his team.
“You two are sickening.” Courtney fakes annoyance, reminding me that she’s still standing next to me.
“Shut up.” I don’t even attempt to wipe the smile off my face. I have a feeling it’s not going anywhere anytime soon anyway.