“Your mom shows you love by spending time with you, being your mom. My parents do it with possessions. Anything they can give me to keep me happy, so long as they don’t have to lift a finger in the parenting department.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said the thing about you being spoiled.” I immediately feel guilty over my statement and my assumption. I take his hand that’s resting on the gearshift between us and give it a squeeze.

“Don’t be. It’s what everyone thinks.” He shrugs, giving me a quick sideways glance.

“Does that bother you? That people view you a certain way?”

“Not really.” He shakes his head, his focus remaining on the road. “It comes with the territory.”

“What territory is that?” I ask.

“Being the hottest, richest guy in school.” His words drip with playfulness, but that doesn’t stop me from rearing back and slapping his chest.

“Owe.” He laughs, rubbing the spot where my hand connected. “Such violence. I see I’m not the only one who has everyone fooled.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I cross my arms over my chest and stare out the window, a huge smile on my face.

“I gotta say, you play the good girl routine well, but I’m starting to see through your façade.”

“Iama good girl,” I object, looking back in his direction to see a smug smile on his handsome face.

“Okay,” he says disbelieving, nodding his head.

“I am,” I insist.

“Says the girl who can drink whiskey straight from the bottle like a champ and kisses like a porn star.”

“Did you just compare me to a porn star?” I’m not sure whether to laugh or be offended.

“Relax, it was a compliment.” He chuckles. “I just meant, you’re a phenomenal kisser.” He grins, his eyes catching mine for a brief moment before returning to the road. “And you do this little moan—it’s like you’re a starving woman and my mouth is the most delicious meal you’ve ever tasted. It’s seriously so hot. You play like you’re this innocent little thing, but I think deep down you’ve got one hell of an untapped wild side.”

“I think you have me confused with someone else,” I offer.

“You may think I don’t see you Tessa Wilson- but I do. I see everything.” He winks at me seconds before pulling the car to a stop on the street outside my house.

“Well…” I hesitate, not really sure what to do. “Thank you for the ride.” I move to grab my bag, but Sebastian catches my arm before I reach it.

Tugging me toward him, the next thing I feel is his warm lips against mine. He kisses me gently, dragging his tongue along my bottom lip before sliding it inside of my mouth.

Like being invaded by a body snatcher, something else takes over and I feel crazed, lustful. I deepen the kiss, my fingers tangling in his short hair as I try desperately to control the overwhelming urges I feel taking over.

By the time we part I’m breathless, my chest heaving up and down as I ride out the high Sebastian’s touch sparks inside me.

“See.” He smiles against my mouth. “My little minx.” He kisses me again, this time a gentle press of his lips to mine before he pulls back, his hazel eyes dark and hooded.

I can tell he wants me, maybe even more than I want him, and the thought is dizzying. Sebastian makes me feel a way I’ve never felt before. Wild and untamed. And while I love the feeling, it’s also terrifying at the same time.

“I should probably go,” I finally blurt. “My mom is home today. It’s Monday, her one consistent off night each week. We always spend Monday’s together.”

“Can I call you later?”

“You better.” I smile, grabbing my bag before quickly exiting the car.

I manage to make it up to the front porch before turning back. Sebastian is still sitting on the curb, his eyes glued to me. I throw him a little wave over my shoulder, my heart doing acrobats in my chest as I stick my key in the lock and push my way inside.

I take slow calculated breaths, trying to calm my rapid pulse, before sneaking a peek out of the vertical panes of glass that line the sides of the front door. I do it just in time to see the back of Sebastian’s car as he drives away. I stare at the place where he was just parked for what seems like forever before my mother’s voice causes me to jump in surprise.

“Who’s the boy?” she asks, pulling my attention to where she’s leaning against the doorway of the living room watching me.