“Hey.” Sebastian rocks back on his heels, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he stares back at me, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

I swear I feel like I’ve entered some alternate reality.

There’s no way Sebastian Baxter is standing on my front porch right now. And yet, here he is—right in front of me—looking so handsome in his dark jeans and gray tee, his hair pushed back haphazardly like he’s run his hands through it several times throughout the day.

He’s so good looking it should be a sin. No one should be this sexy. And yet he is. Every inch of him is perfection and I hate that with just a smile, my heart beats a little harder.

“Hey.” I don’t try to hide my confusion over his unexpected visit. “What are you doing here, Sebastian?”

“I wanted to see you.” He shrugs, a smirk playing on the corner of his mouth.

I swear if I could bottle up this moment and keep it forever I would. God, what is he doing to me right now?

“How did you even know where I lived?” The moment the question leaves my lips I know the answer.

“Courtney,” we both say in unison, his smirk turning into a full smile.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach, and I’m suddenly painfully aware of how ridiculous I probably look.

As if he can somehow read my mind, he adds, “Cute pajamas.”

I nervously fidget with the bottom of my tank, thanking the heavens that I had enough forethought to put on a bra.

“I wasn’t expecting company,” I finally manage to squeak out.

“Well, now that you have it are you going to invite me in?”

Could he be any surer of himself? His confidence oozes from every orifice of his body, and I desperately want to soak it in—know what it’s like to feel that good in your own skin.

“I’m still trying to decide.” I eye him warily.

“Anything I can do to sway your decision?” He steps forward, his tall frame now towering over me.

I wish I could say that I’m immune to his charms, that the nearness of his body doesn’t stir something deep inside of me—a wanting I didn’t even know I could feel, but that wouldn’t be the truth.

“I-uh my mom’s not home. I don’t think she’d approve of you being here.” I regret it the moment I say it.

Stupid, Tess. Seriously. You’re mom’s not home. That’s the best you got?

“I’ll be good.” He tips my chin up with the back of his hand so that I’m looking up at him. “You can trust me,” he offers with a humored grin.

“It’s not you I’m worried about,” I mumble under my breath a little too loudly, realizing my mistake almost instantly.

His eyes sparkle with humor, but he chooses not to address the statement we both know he heard. Instead, he slides past me into the house, giving me no choice but to follow him inside.

“When does your mom get home?” he asks, looking around the small space that equates to about one sixteenth of his house.

“Not until morning,” I say, feeling like he already knew the answer to that long before he got here—especially if Courtney had anything to do with it.

I make a mental note to give her a piece of my mind later. I can’t believe she would send Sebastian here and not even give me a heads up.Some friend.

“Popcorn?” Sebastian inhales, turning in the foyer to face me.

“I was getting ready to watch a movie.”

“Perfect.” He kicks off his shoes, sliding them against the wall with his foot.

“What are you doing?” I can’t keep the smile from my voice.