When we reach the second floor, Sebastian walks right into the first bedroom without even knocking. I follow him inside, not surprised to see a sleeping Courtney draped over Anthony. Both appear to be naked but luckily have a sheet covering all the important stuff.

When Sebastian releases my hand, I choose to stay back toward the doorway rather than follow him further into the room. They may be covered but that doesn’t mean I want to get all up in their business.

“Ant.” Sebastian nudges the side of the bed with his leg the moment he reaches it. “Ant,” he repeats, nudging it harder.

Anthony’s head instantly pops up and he looks around, dazed and disoriented.

“What the fuck, dude?” he questions, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands as he sits up, the sheet falling dangerously low down his toned body. I keep my eyes averted, purposely not looking directly at him.

“Tess has gotta go.” Sebastian gestures toward me and then points to Courtney who stirs in the bed next to Ant.

“Court.” Ant nudges her with his arm, which seems to fully wake her. She pushes up on her elbows, a wide smile on her face when she finds me standing by the door.

“Hello there, sunshine,” she says before giving into a big yawn. “Good to see I don’t have to cut any dicks off today.” Her eyes dart to Sebastian who seems a bit confused by her statement. “Or do I?” She lifts a brow at me.

“Oh my God, you’re ridiculous.” I shake my head, honestly a little embarrassed by my loud mouth friend. “We gotta go. Mom should be home soon.” I give her a look I know only she will pick up on.

Thankfully Courtney and I have established our own little language over the years, and she understands me instantly.

“Okay, give me a sec to get dressed.” She yawns again, clutching the sheet to her chest as she sits up. I give her a thankful smile and step backward out of the room.

“We’ll wait downstairs,” I hear Sebastian say just moments before joining me in the hall, pulling the door shut behind him.

Silence stretches between us as Sebastian leads me through the expansive house and then out onto the front porch. The morning air is so warm and inviting, but it does little to calm the nervous jitter of my heart.

I take a deep inhale, trying to steady myself. I just need to get out of here. Away from this house and this intoxicating boy who keeps looking at me in a way that makes me feel things I shouldn’t be feeling. Not with him.

Don’t get me wrong, last night will probably go down as one of the highlights of my high school life, but that doesn’t mean it will be any more than that. Dylan did enough to show me that I’m not ready for what comes along with dating at this age. Especially with someone asexperiencedas Sebastian.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want that with him, though. You’d have to be blind not to be physically stunned by him. But I can’t afford the distraction or the heartbreak that I know will follow if I let myself even entertain the idea that there could be anus.

And what’s to say he even wants that to begin with?

I spent the entire night with him, and he didn’t even make one move. Not one. Given his reputation, I think it’s safe to say he’s not into me like that. Otherwise, I doubt we would have spent the entire night just talking.

But then what about this morning? What about waking up to find him looking at me the way he was? And then there was the beautiful comment, the one I’ve been trying to dismiss since the moment it left his lips.

I’m not sure what would be worse—fighting to keep myself from drowning in the ocean that is Sebastian Baxter, or just letting myself be swept under and see where the waves take me.

“Can I see you later?” Sebastian’s voice pulls me back to where he’s standing next to me on the porch, his large hands wrapped around the banister as he leans forward, his gaze locked on the side of my face.

“What?” The word just falls from my lips without me meaning for it to.

“Later.” His mouth pulls up in a smile. “Are you busy?”

“Um, I’m not sure yet,” I stutter, my words dying off as Courtney steps outside, interrupting the moment. “I guess I should get going. Last night was fun.” I give him the best smile I can muster before grabbing Courtney’s arm and practically dragging her off the porch.

I’m afraid that if I stay even a moment longer I’m going to give into the pull of the tide and let him drag me under.

“I’m going to call you later, Tessa Wilson,” Sebastian yells after me, laughter in his voice as if he can sense my need to escape him.

As much as I want to ignore his statement and just make it to Courtney’s car unscathed, I can’t stop myself from turning around. I also can’t hide the wide smile that stretches across my face when I look up to see that sexy as sin look in his eyes.

“I’m not going to hold my breath,” I call back, taking one last look at the breathtaking smile on his face before turning and disappearing down the driveway.