I feel my body start to warm. The sensation starts on my face and then slowly spreads over the remainder of my body. It’s like a soothing cocoon basking me in its warmth and comfort. But the feeling is fleeting, quickly replaced by heat that sears my skin.

My eyes shoot open and I immediately squint, the bright sun blazing down on me making it difficult for my eyes to adjust or my mind to process where exactly I am. I roll to the side, trying to avoid the harsh rays, and my eyes instantly lock with Sebastian’s.

He’s lying in the same position as last night, curled on his side facing me, his hazel eyes bloodshot and heavy. A slow smile pulls up the corners of his mouth as he gauges my reaction—the shock and disbelief I feel probably written plain as day across my face.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” My heart immediately kicks into overdrive, beating frantically against my ribs.

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. My throat is so dry I doubt I could speak clearly even if my mind would cooperate.

Am I still dreaming?

It takes me several long moments to gather my thoughts enough to blink, breaking the connection that seems to be mounting between us.

Rolling onto my back, I swallow down the thick knot in my throat and push into a sitting position, looking out over the beautiful water that sparkles under the bright morning sun.

“What time is it?” I finally manage to speak, my voice hoarse.

“Not sure.” I feel Sebastian shift in the chair next to me.

“I don’t even remember falling asleep,” I admit, tucking my chin against my shoulder as I look back to where he’s now lying on his back, his hands tucked behind his head.

The look in his eyes causes my skin to flush, and I immediately look away.

“I should call Courtney.” I reach for my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, not surprised when the clock on the screen reads just after six thirty in the morning. I can tell from the position of the sun that it hasn’t been up long.

Normally I would be a walking zombie—given that I couldn’t have slept more than a couple of hours—but I feel wide awake. The second I opened my eyes to see Sebastian staring back at me was like I had picked up a live wire, and my body is still feeling the effects of the shock.

I swipe the screen and see a couple missed calls and a few texts from Courtney. I don’t know how, but I guess I must have accidentally switched my ringer off.

“Shit,” I mutter under my breath, reading her messages.

Courtney: When you get back to the house, call me.

Courtney: Can you text me so I know you’re good?

Then about an hour later—

Courtney: I swear to God you better have a good reason for not calling me.

Courtney: You can thank Ant for me not coming after you. He assures me that Sebastian will not hurt you, but mark my words, if he does, I will chop his dick off. And his balls, too.

I stifle a laugh, the vision of Courtney chasing after Sebastian one I can’t help but picture. It’s something she totally would do.

The last message came in about four o’clock this morning.

Courtney: Me and Ant are crashing in one of the spare rooms. Come find me when you’re done doing whatever it is you two are off doing.

“Everything okay?” I turn to see Sebastian now sitting upright, the green in his eyes so prominent under the morning sun that for a moment I completely lose my train of thought.

“I should head up to the house,” I finally blurt. “Courtney’s been messaging me all night. She’s probably ready to murder me.” I throw him a nervous smile, not sure why all of sudden my stomach feels like it’s taken flight.

“I’ll walk you up.” He doesn’t hesitate, pushing to his feet so quickly that he’s reaching out to help me up before I’ve even moved.

“Thank you,” I say, allowing him to pull me to my feet.

I move to take one step and stumble, nearly face-planting into his hard chest.

“Whoa, you okay there?” He sets his hands on my shoulders to steady me.