Page 110 of Where the Night Ends

She gives me a warm smile and reaches out to pat my leg. Everything about her is so motherly now. From the way she acts to the way she looks, you would never guess that just five years ago she was a wild child who rocked a red bob and always sported thick black eyeliner and short skirts.

There’s no trace of that girl anymore, at least not on the outside. Her red hair is now back to her natural brown and hangs a few inches past her shoulders. She usually keeps it tied back in a low pony, but today she has it down and wavy. She’s traded in her dark eyes and bright lips for more neutral tones and clear lip gloss, and her short skirts have been swapped for cute jeans and flowy tops.

But even with all that, even with how much she’s changed and grown, I still see little pieces of the old Bree that shine through. She might have grown up and traded in her bad girl ways, but she is still the same spitfire she’s always been; she just reins it in more now.

“You can do this, Tess,” she reassures me. “Just walk up there, knock on his door, and tell him you love him.”

“Just like that.” I laugh nervously. “You make it sound so easy.”

“He loves you, and you love him. If you both focus on that it should be easy.”

I nod, mustering a small smile. “I hope you’re right.”

“Only one way to find out.” She looks up at the building and then back to me. “Go, you got this.”

“You’ll keep your phone on you in case I need you to come back?” I ask for the tenth time.

“Yes, now stop stalling and go.”

“Okay.” I let out another deep breath before pushing open the car door and climbing out, Bree shouting words of encouragement my way until I close the door.

The walk up to Sebastian’s apartment is like a blur. By the time I reach his door my entire body is shaking, and I’m fairly certain that had I eaten anything today it would now be on the shiny hallway floor rather than in my stomach.

I take a deep breath in and slowly let it out at least five times before I manage to reach out and rap on the door with my knuckles.

I can hear movement inside almost instantly followed by the sound of footsteps, each one getting louder the closer they get to the door. My breath lodges in my throat, and I squeeze my hands together in anticipation.

This is it.

This is what everything has led up to.

This is the moment of truth.