
“And cut.” I take an immediate step back from Brandy when the director calls the scene.

We’re five days into shooting and this is the first of our scenes that have been shot together. To say it’s been awkward would be an understatement. It’s so fucking awkward you can feel it in the air the moment the scene is called.

Then again, I expected the awkwardness. What I didn’t expect is how little I care about being around Brandy. Just weeks ago, a simple run in had me all sorts of fucked up. But now, nothing. I feel nothing.

Not angry. Not vengeful. Hell, not even a little hurt.

It’s like suddenly everything I felt is gone.

I don’t have to wonder why that is.

I know why.

The thought of Clarke brings a smile to my lips.

What can I say? She’s got me.

What started out as a meaningless plan to better my image, has turned into something I don’t think either of us expected. Or at least, I sure as hell didn’t.

It’s like I’m addicted to her.

When she’s not close, my body feels the effects. Like an addict withdrawing from the most potent of drugs. I can’t get enough of her.

It scared me at first, the power she seems to wield over me. But the thought of being without her scares me more… Even if I haven’t fully admitted it to myself.

“Let’s run the last part again.” Harold’s voice breaks into my thoughts. “Trey, do everything the same. Brandy, try saying the line with a little more intensity. This is the moment you realize he’s leaving. I need more.”

She scoffs, clearly not liking being singled out. But Harold is right, she’s not getting the emotion of the scene right.

“Alright people, places.”

We shoot the scene a dozen more times before we finally get it, but once we do, it feels like we nail it. Everything seems to finally click into place.

I head to my trailer in between scenes, a bit frustrated when there’s a knock on the door before I even have a chance to get myself something to drink.

“Yeah?” I call, snagging a water from the mini fridge.

The door creaks open and before I have time to react, Brandy is stepping inside.

“What are you doing in here?”

“How long are you going to keep this up?” She ignores my question and instead, asks one of her own.

“Keep what up?” I twist the cap off the water and take a sip, the cold liquid like heaven on my dry throat.

“This.” She gestures between the two of us, moving further into the room. “You treating me like this.”

“And how exactly am I treating you?”

“Like a stranger.”

“Youarea stranger.” I let out a humorless laugh. “Or are you going to pretend like fifteen years haven’t passed since we’ve actually even had a real conversation. I don’t know you anymore, Brandy. No more than you know me.”

“But I do know you.”