“Oh, Kat.” Brandy let’s out a high pitched cackle, reminding me of an old Disney movie villain. “You always were so funny.” Her attention once again comes to me. She makes a show of looking me up and down before a wicked smile slides across her face. “It won’t last.”

“What won’t? My employment?” I respond, sarcasm dripping from my words.

“You’re nothing. A nobody. You won’t be able to hold his attention forever.”

“Maybe not.” I square my shoulders, refusing to let this woman steamroll me. I don’t give a shit how famous she is. I have nevernotstood up for myself and I sure as hell am not about to start now. “But at least I won’t spread my legs for someone else while he’s in my bed.”

She draws back like I physically slapped her across the face.

I smile victoriously, even though my insides are shaking violently.

“Of course, you won’t. Because no one else wants to be in your bed.”

“Except Treyton, you mean.”

“I… Uh… Whatever.” She tosses her hair, though because it’s short, it doesn’t have the effect I think she was going for.

Funny. I’m starting to see what Treyton meant by fake women, because Brandy Hill is as fake as they come. She portrays this perfect image but she’s anything but. In fact, I’d go as far to call her ugly. Because no matter how flawless her skin, her insides are stained.

“Brandy.” Treyton’s voice pulls my attention to my right as he slides up next to me, his arm going protectively across my shoulder.

“Hey, there you are.” Brandy’s demeanor instantly shifts.

“What are you doing?”

“I was just introducing myself to… Clarke.” She swallows over my name. “You know, since you and I are going to be working together and all.”

“Is that what you were doing?” Kat snorts out a laugh.

I look up at Treyton whose eyes are locked on Brandy, his brow furrowed in what can only be described as irritation. Or is it frustration? Either one works.

“Stop.” She swipes her hand through the air, as if to play up the fact that Kat is only teasing her. Which newsflash, everyone knows she’s not.

“I specifically asked you not to come over here,” Treyton interjects, tucking me tighter to his side.

“I know, but…”

“But nothing.” He shakes it off. “Leave. Now.”

“I’m not leaving.” Brandy’s voice shoots up an octave.

“I’m not talking about the party.”

“Trey…” She tries to touch his chest but he pushes her hand away.

“I am doing this movie for myself, not for you. And I thought you heard me the first time I said it tonight, but I’ll say it again. Stay away from me, and more importantly, stay away from Clarke.”

I bite the inside of my cheek nervously, half expecting her to lunge at me with the way she’s holding her posture when she glares at me for the briefest of moments.

“Now. Leave!” he barks, making both her and I jump at the intensity.

“Fine. I’ll leave. But let’s not for one second pretend that whatever you’re trying to sell here is real. I know you, Trey, better than anyone. So go ahead, try to fool the world. You’re not fooling me.” She leans in. “I see you.”

“Now,” Treyton growls, his temper hanging by a thread.

Brandy’s perfected smile slips into place.

“I have a feeling this is going to be fun.” She winks, before finally spinning around and walking away.