And if roles were reversed, and he wasn’t jealous, then I think that would speak very loudly for where we stand.

“Trust me, I’d rather it be anyone but her. But I’m also not going to turn down the only role that’s been offered to me in months to avoid her. Because of the timeline, most of the movie we aren’t together. We share a pretty heavy scene when my character leaves for the military, and the two decide to go their separate ways, but other than that, ninety percent of my character’s time on screen is him thinking of her, having flashbacks of their time together when they were young, but never being physically with her.”

“Well, I guess that’s good,” I say, having something more pressing I want to ask. “Why is it the first movie you’ve been offered in months?”

“Don’t you read the tabloids?” he snorts.

“Not really. I try to avoid them. Especially as of late, since it seems like my picture keeps popping up in them.”

I turn my gaze to the open magazine on my coffee table, where there’s a pretty impressive photo of Treyton carrying my drunk ass over his shoulder, which I’m fairly certain was taken by the security guard at the club given that the only other person we passed on our way outside was Micah, and he sure as hell didn’t sell it to the media.

“Hollywood pariah, over here.” He pops another piece of chicken into his mouth and chews.

“Sure, you don’t have the best reputation, but who does in Hollywood?”

“Well, apparently you haven’t been following headlines very closely then, because apparently I am very difficult to work with. So much so that most directors and producers won’t even take my calls anymore.”

“No, I don’t usually follow headlines. Other than the ones that I read while standing in the grocery store line.” I shrug. “I’ve seen some not so great things printed about you, but I didn’t know you weren’t able to get work because of it.”

“Why do you think I…” He stops himself. “It doesn’t matter. The point is, I’m hoping that I can set the slate clean with this movie.”

“And how do you plan on doing that?”

“Well, by showing up on time and not hungover, for one.” He laughs at himself. “And, well…”

“Oh, god.” I drop my head down and lift it back up. “I have a feeling I don’t want to know more than that,” I say, already imagining worst case scenario in my head.

“Probably not,” he confirms my fears with those two little words.

“Okay, moving on, please.” I wave my hand through the air.

“So, Saturday.” He chuckles. “Will you come with me?”

“You really want me to go to a movie event with you?” My stomach swirls for an entirely different reason this time around.

“I really do.” He takes another bite, smiling around a mouthful of food.

“I wouldn’t even know what to wear, let alone how to act at something like that.”

“Wardrobe is easy. It’s a preproduction party, not a red carpet event. Wear what you feel good in. As far as how to act, you don’t have to worry about that. Just be yourself.”

“You say that like it’s so easy,” I grumble. “But yes, if you really want me to go with you, I will.”

The smile that spreads across his handsome face is almost too much for me to take in. I swear, sometimes when he looks at me, I find it hard to remember how to breathe, let alone speak.

“Good, then it’s settled.”

“What time do I need to be ready?”

“I’ll pick you up around seven, does that work?”

“Yeah, that works. But in all seriousness, what do I wear?”

This makes him laugh.

“I would say nothing at all, but I have no intention of sharing with the rest of the cast what is mine.”

What ishis…