I swear my insides turn to liquid.

I turn back to find Treyton directly behind me, the look of horror tugging at my features no doubt easy to read on my face.

I hold my finger up to my mouth, silently telling him to be quiet.

He cocks his head to the side and gives me a funny look.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

“Clarke, it’s Mom.” Thump. Thump. Thump.

“Shit. Shit. Shit,” I hiss aloud, looking around the small space, trying to quickly figure out my next move.

I can’t ignore her. The front desk no doubt told her I was here before letting her up. But I also can’t let her inside with Treyton Tyler standing in my foyer.

“What is it?” Treyton whispers.

“It’s my mom,” I hiss back.

“So? Answer it.”

“I can’t.”


“Because you’re here.”

“Why should that matter?” He arches a brow.

“You don’t get it.”

Thump. Thump. Thump.

“Clarke, are you in the bathroom? I can wait,” my mom calls through the door.

“What do I do?” I ask Treyton, like he’s magically going to conjure a solution.

“Answer the door.”

“What part ofI can’tare you struggling with?”

He looks at me for a long moment then before I even realize he’s moved, he steps past me and reaches for the deadbolt. Clicking it open, I manage to grab his hand right as he reaches for the knob.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Answering the door.” He uses his large frame to block me out.

“Please, don’t,” I whisper plead, but it’s already too late.

The next thing I know the door swings open and my mom’s face comes into view. I watch her go from smiling to frowning in less than half a second and really, who can blame her?

She looks at Treyton for a long moment before her eyes finally make it to me.

“Hi, Mom.” I step past Treyton, nudging him backward with my hip as I step into the doorway. “I didn’t know you were stopping by.” I lean in to give her my usual greeting, a brief hug and kiss on the cheek.

“I’m sorry.” She kisses my cheek too. “I didn’t realize you had company.”

“We were just finishing up a business dinner.” I look back at Treyton for the briefest of moments, silently begging him not to correct me.