“Or were you?” He takes a calculated step toward me.

I push past the confusion of his answer. How could I have been part of the deal? Up until a matter of minutes ago, I had never laid eyes on this man (at least not in person) and he hadn’t me.

“Do I strike you as someone who can be bought, Mr. Tyler?” Anger rises in my chest when the realization starts to sink in that maybe, just maybe, he isn’t joking.

Another step and then another.

“Everyone has a price tag.” He stops directly in front of me, the smell of his cologne and natural musk overwhelming every single one of my senses. If I weren’t so offended, maybe I’d be a little taken by his close proximity. But as it stands, I’m more likely to punch him in the throat than lean in closer.

“Well if you think that, then you don’t know people very well.”

“Or maybe you don’t,” he counters. Reaching out, he snags a piece of my long, blonde hair, slowly lifting it to his nose, surprising me even further when he takes a deep inhale, a soft hum sounding from the back of his throat. I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows, for the first time realizing just how tall he really is. I’m five-nine, and if not for my heels, he’d be a good head taller than me.

“So,” he drops the strand of hair, “what time should I pick you up tomorrow?”

I snort.

“I am not going on a date with you.”

“Yes, you are.” He grins down at me as if he knows something I don’t.

“No, I’m not.”

“You’d let a half a million dollars go, just like that.”

“If I sell this house to someone else, I’d make almost as much,” I bluff, knowing I’d make quite a bit less, considering the three million he’s willing to pay over asking.

“Or I buy it directly from the seller and cut you out completely.”

“You can’t, they signed a contract.”

“Contracts can be broken. Especially when you have the money to break them.” He bends, leaning in so close the tip of his nose grazes mine. I stand eerily still, refusing to show any reaction. He studies me for a long moment before finally speaking again, “Something tells me you’re not as tough as you let on.” His breath dances across my face.

“Something tells me you’re every bit as douchey as you let on.”

The professional in me is coiling in on herself, but the woman? She’s celebrating a well-deserved victory. Not everyone would have the balls to stand up to a man like Treyton Tyler but right now, my balls are so big they’re weighing me down.

I expect him to sneer. To be offended. But instead, he tosses his head back and lets out a deep laugh. The sound full and intoxicating in a way I didn’t expect.

“Guess there’s only one way to find out,” he offers, laughter still dancing around his words as his gaze once again settles on mine.

“Pass.” I take a full step back, needing to put some space between us.

“Half a million dollars,” he reminds me.

“I don’t need the money that bad.”

I can tell by his expression he knows that’s not true. While yes, I do very well for myself, the market is not what it was when my parents were in charge, and houses like this don’t fall into my lap very often. I stand to make more on this one house than five or more of my average listings.

“It’s one date,” he chimes.

“One date too many,” I quip, wondering how much further I can push him before I really do blow this deal to shit.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven.”

“I said no.”

“Seven o’clock sharp.” His eyes narrow.