Are we the kind of friends that talk about stuff like this?

Hell, are we even friends at all?

“I did. But after it was over, I realized it wasn’t so much her that I loved, but the idea of her. Cheating on me was probably the most honest thing she ever did, because it showed me who she really was. The real her. The one she had kept hidden the entire time we dated.”

“Do you still have feelings for her?”

He thinks on this one for a moment.

“Feelings, no. But it’s difficult to be around her. Even after all this time.”

“I’m sorry. That must be a struggle, given that you’re both in the same profession. I’m sure your paths cross more than you’d like.”

“It’s whatever.” He shoves a bite into his mouth, chewing slowly. “She did me a favor in the end.”

I want to press for more.

Hell, I want to know everything.

Including some things I shouldn’t want to know. Like what it would be like to be someone like Brandy Hill. To have someone like Treyton Tyler. To be able to call him yours… I can’t even imagine.

And I shouldn’t want to imagine.

I shouldn’t want to even think about it.

But that kiss…

It has me dangling upside down when I should be standing upright.

And it continues to come to the forefront of my mind every time silence falls between us, like it has at this very moment.

Seconds tick by, each feeling longer than the last, and finally, after what feels like way too long, Treyton speaks again.

“So, I was thinking…” he starts, leaving his sentence dangling.

“That’s never good,” I murmur, as if speaking directly to my food rather than to him.

I feel him shift toward me. Feel his eyes hot on the side of my face.

“As I was saying,” laughter riddles his words, “I was thinking maybe after this, we could go for a walk or something.”

“A walk?” I throw him a sideways glance, refusing to turn toward him.

“Yeah, a walk. Don’t you ever just take a walk?”

“Of course, I do. I just… Seems like a strange request coming from you, is all.” I swallow.

I don’t say it, but a walk sounds pretty good. Might give me some room to actually breathe.

“Why?” He finds my response curious.

“Because you’re you,” I state the obvious, finally turning toward him. “Don’t famous people typically avoid things that put them out with the masses?”

“That’s what Micah is for.”

“Maybe you should ask him how he feels about a walk,” I can’t help but say.

I know in his position, bodyguards are necessary, but something about how he dismissed him earlier irked me. Then again, it’s not likeIdid anything to right the situation so maybe it’s hypocritical of me to say.